Collective Jazz Curriculum

CLI Studio Combos

Certain teams have assigned CLI combos jazz and/or hip hop to be learned in classes.  The assigned teacher will learn the combo ahead of time, and then teach this combo to the class.  Screen recordings can be shown in class to get a feel for the style, rhythm, performance quality, etc.  Screen recordings can be found in dropbox HERE.  You can post the screen recording link to the company facebook group to encourage kids to practice at home (and make a parent connection).


Hip hop combos can be taught over 1-3 weeks depending on the group. Challenge them to learn and execute choreography quickly and then give them time to know it well enough to really perform/execute to the best of their ability.  Every week they should be spending at least half of the class on the combo! Once you feel you’ve spent enough time on that combo, move on to the next one on the list!


Jazz combos should be taught the second week of each month and will take the entire class! Then during the third week, spend 10-15 minutes running the combo again in groups.  

Class Schedule for CLI 2023-24:

CLI Combos for Classes


Ballet Curriculum

Coming soon

Tap Curriculum