Augusto Gomes 

Curriculum Administrator Multilingual Learner and World Language Programs

Voice: (203) 790-2805


Dr. Tamara Swift Cardona

Multilingual Learner Program Supervisor

Voice: (203) 790-2873


Jennifer Wolke

Administrative Assistant

Voice: (203) 790-2873


Vision and Mission

Vision: Danbury Public Schools aspires to advance ALL learners to their highest potential.

Mission: Danbury Public Schools, in partnership with families and the community provides transformational learning experiences, designed to nurture thoughtful and prepared graduates.

Department Goal: 100% of Multilingual Learners will develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, which will increase English proficiency in  their ability to negotiate and convey meaning using writing processes and presentation strategies in English.

In our department we believe in ensuring equity and advocating for our students socially, emotionally, and academically by leveraging their strengths and talents, so that they feel empowered to use their voices to become productive, contributing and successful members of the community.


Danbury Public School System recognizes that, Multilingual Learners (MLs) must acquire an additional culture and language. Students will acquire a level of English proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing that will allow participation in the mainstream academic program. 

There shall also be opportunities for children who are dominant in Spanish and Portuguese to participate in bilingual educational programs. Goals and objectives for Multilingual Learners are similar to those established for the regular school program and are designed to bring MLs to the same educational performance level that is expected of English dominant children. 

Definition of the ELD Program

"English Language Development" means a program that uses only English as the instructional language for eligible students and enables such students to achieve English proficiency and academic mastery of subject matter content and higher order skills, including critical thinking, so as to meet appropriate grade promotion and graduation requirements.

Instruction is always presented in a meaningful context and it is categorized by three phases: ELD Beginning, ELD Intermediate, and ELD Advanced. These phases are based on a child's English proficiency. Children begin their second language acquisition in the Danbury Public Schools by starting somewhere in these phases. The outcome of this instructional process must enable children to listen, comprehend, speak, read, write, analyze and think in English. 

ELD Model

Elementary Grades K-5

The nature of the ELD program at the elementary level is a pull-out model where ML students are grouped by language proficiency and seen during a dedicated block of instruction during the regular school day.  This model supports the mainstream classroom while providing English Language Development.  All educators share the responsibility of educating our ML student population, not just the Bilingual or ESL teachers. We see ourselves as "language teachers" regardless of the specific content area we teach.

Middle and High School Grades 6-12

MLs are scheduled for ELD classes by English proficiency level. Eligible students may also participate in sheltered/bilingual classes. These classes are taught by regular education teachers who have received and/or continue to receive professional development on ways to make curriculum content comprehensible for ML students.


An itinerant CT TESOL certified teacher provides ESL services to the ML student population in the non-public schools.

Bilingual Programs

For eligible Spanish- and Portuguese- dominant students, native language support is provided for a minimum of thirty months.

"Program of bilingual education" means a program of instruction in which eligible children are placed until such time as such children attain a level of proficiency in English which is sufficient to assure equal educational opportunity in the regular school program, including, but not limited to, educational experiences to enable eligible children to become proficient in English, subject matter instruction in the dominant language of eligible children, and provision of opportunities for eligible children to participate with and learn from children for other linguistic and cultural backgrounds that:


(Based on CT State Law)

School-based Spanish bilingual programs are offered at all schools. School-based Portuguese bilingual programs are offered at: Ellsworth Avenue, Hayestown Avenue, King Street Primary, Morris Street, Park Avenue, Shelter Rock, South Street, Stadley Rough, Broadview Middle, Rogers Park Middle, and Danbury High. 

Elementary: Grades K-5

Spanish and Portuguese Bilingual Programs are offered at the elementary level. These are school-based Spanish and Portuguese bilingual support programs that consist of a combination of "pull-out" and/or "push-in"/co-teaching approaches for eligible K-5 students. Some schools offer dedicated bilingual Spanish classes for Kindergarten or Grade 1.

Middle School: Grades 6-8

Spanish and Portuguese bilingual programs are offered at the middle schools. The program provides bilingual classes in the content areas (mathematics, science, and social studies). These classes are co-taught by certified content and bilingual teachers. Additionally, students attend classes which focus on English language development. 

Danbury High School: Grades 9-12

Spanish and Portuguese bilingual programs are offered, allowing Spanish and Portuguese dominant students to attend content area classes supported by native language instruction, in the areas of mathematics and social studies. Sheltered English classes complement the program in other content areas. 

A Spanish or Portuguese bilingual program consisting of a two-year sequence supported by ESL language arts and content-area classes allows first and second year eligible Spanish dominant students to attend classes taught in their native language and English. 

The bilingual teachers make instructional use of both English and Spanish or Portuguese enabling students to achieve English proficiency and academic mastery of subject matter content. All bilingual programs provide for the continuous increase in the use of English and corresponding decrease in the use of the native language for the purpose of instruction. English is used more than half of the instructional time by the end of the first year.

All bilingual programs include, by design, English-as-a-second-language (ESL). ESL instruction uses only English as the instructional language and enables students to achieve English proficiency and academic mastery of subject matter content and higher order skills, including critical thinking, so as to meet appropriate grade promotion and graduation requirements. This integration between content and language instruction is essential even when students, enrolled in bilingual programs, receive instruction, in at least some of the content areas, through their native language.

Mandated Secondary ESL Program Grades 10-12

Four levels of English as a Second Language (ESL) are offered at Danbury High School. All ML's attend a double block ESL class to strengthen their development of English. In addition, Transitional English class allows advanced MLL's and LTSS students a smoother transition to the mainstream. 

Sheltered English

In the content areas, Sheltered English classes are offered. These classes are taught by regular classroom teachers who receive training on how to make subject-area content comprehensible for ML students. Students in these classes are "sheltered" in that they do not compete academically with native English speakers since the class includes only MLs.

Additional ESL classes have been added to accommodate the needs of an ever growing influx of ML students and to respond to LTSS guidelines.