16 Career Clusters with Pathways Chart

Career Clusters contain occupations in the same field of work that require similar skills. Students, parents and educators can use Career Clusters to help focus education plans towards obtaining the necessary knowledge, competencies, and training for success in a particular career pathway.

The resources for each Career Cluster can be found by using the Career Clusters pull-down menu at the top of this page. To see activities, curricula, links and information, choose the cluster from the list.

To see educational and skill requirements for specific fields, under the 16 clusters, see the ONET website.

To see videos about many careers, see the U.S. Department of Labor - Career OneStop Videos.

Download and print posters from the 16 Career Clusters with salary information from the Connecticut Department of Labor, or order a laminated set!

Connecticut DOL also has information on entry-level jobs in the Connecticut Careers publication.

See a wealth of information, activities and curriculum for the 16 clusters on the Texas CTE Resource Center.

Short Video showing all 16 Career Clusters -

Resources, courses and curriculum from University of Texas

Illinois Statewide Career Pathways - Contextualized Basic Skills Curriculum for Adult Education