Artwork 2020 Videos

With school being closed, sadly we were not able to have your yearly Art Show. A lot of the artwork was already hanging and DAIS was transforming into a Latin American Paradise. This is not everything, but I tired to take as many pictures as I could to put in the video. All the artwork has been delivered to homerooms and can be picked up to go home on June 1st and 2nd. The students did an amazing job this year and I wanted to do at least a little of something to show off all their hard work. Posted below this video is some of the awesome projects the students created and shared while having art class at home. Enjoy!


To finish out the school year in Art, students had weekly projects to work on. Here are some of the amazing art projects the students created while home. There are two videos for 4th and one for each of 5th and 6th grade.