Virtual Experience

Virtual Experiences:

Kids and Robots, Do or Don’t?

By Lyla Szot and Seiya Watson

Imagine opening a single tab, and experiencing a whole new world not at all related to our reality. Making worlds, sightseeing, very thrilling.

In Virtual Expeditions PEP, you get to do just that! Students in Virtual Expeditions get to have virtual tours and experiences anywhere. They get to use Google Earth and VR goggles in their PEP while changing between two rooms, one for VR goggles and one for computers. When you are using this PEP, you get to travel to different worlds and can have fun while doing so!

We interviewed Ylva Grimm from Mr. Flay’s classroom of virtual explorers. In Virtual Experiences, students use headsets in one room, and computers in the other. Ylva also stated, “I thought it might be good to experience things you couldn’t in your own home.” She liked to use the Co-Spaces Website as her favorite part of the PEP. Students have gone to the jungle, wealthy mansions, and places that you can’t always go to in reality. When thinking of how this helps her school days, she remarked, “It helps us experience different places for people without VR to see augmented reality.”