Assistant Principal

Mrs. Sandra Jennings

Sandra Jennings is a native of Tyler, TX and a current resident of Desoto, TX, where she has resided for the past 18 years. She is happily married to Mr. Jennings. Sandra is currently the assistant principal at Daniel Webster Elementary School where she has worked for the past 4 years. Prior to coming to Webster, Sandra was an assistant principal at R. L. Thornton Elementary. She had also served as a Reading Instructional Coach at R. L. Thornton Elementary School for 4 years. Her motto is:

"Reaching and teaching, sharing and caring to impact the lives of others."

During this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is our goal to continue to provide our scholars with the highest level of education that can be furnished to them at home. We also seek to provide both our students and parents with social and emotional support that will continue to foster a love for knowledge. We Are Webster!!