Message from the head

Message from Head

I, as the Head of the Department of Business Administration under the Faculty of Business and Economics, would like to welcome you all. The Department has been committed to providing quality education for students since its inception with a blend of well- experienced teachers having foreign degrees and a galaxy of young, energetic faculty members who are entirely and passionately devoted to teach their students in the best and most modern fashion.

Two programs, namely Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA), under the Department have been designed to produce highly skilled and dynamic graduates who will be able not only to compete with other graduates in finding suitable employment in the country, but also participate in the global economic system. The up-to-date and pragmatic curricula and syllabi of the BBA and MBA programs aim at nurturing the potential and flair of young learners as well as making them worthy citizens so that they can meet the changing demands of society and can face challenges in the days to come.

We have introduced ‘Google Classroom’ facility in order to increase interaction between teachers and students of all courses through the use of technology. The online interaction is mostly off-campus and may be round the clock. It has added a new dimension in the mode of interactive teaching to ensure effective students' learning.

We believe that the Department will lead the next decade in higher education for business in Bangladesh by dint of its quality, innovation, state-of-the-art technology, and student-centric as well as employment-oriented education.