Drop out students and taking measures

Reasons for dropout students

1. Not able to cope up the English version of study.

2. Homesickness since most of the students of our University comes from outside of the Dhaka.

3. Extreme Financial crisis of family as I experienced and deal with lot of cases.

4. Peer influence

5. Most of the parents are not seriously concern about the study/ result of their children and they don’t look at the updates after each semester.

6. Most of the students are not concern about their future and they took study lightly, and after a sudden time few student may realize but they can't able to recover.

7. Public University in most of the district level.

8. Private University is available in all the divisions and city corporations at the lesser admission and academic cost.

9. No session jam in National University.

10. Weakness in mathematics and English

11. Falling in love and break up/ Getting married and divorce

12. Drug addiction

13. Family crisis

14. Admission canceling

15. Going abroad

16. Some students change this institute; with their friends, who change.

17. There are some students who take money from their parents; but misuse that money, which their parents don't know at all. After this, when there is a huge due at accounts; they just switch from here.

18. Some also drop only one semester; in case of injury or familial crisis. Then they discontinue the study here.

How to reduce the dropout students

1. Comparatively easier and interesting courses should be offered in 1st year. If possible, Business Mathematics course can be shifted from 3rd semester to 4th, since it is considered as one of the toughest subjects of BBA.

2. Proper counseling, monitoring and encouraging the students to complete their respective degrees might reduce the drop out numbers of students.

3. Use technology to engage students.

4. Provide education loan for financial support.

5. Give students a positive place to be: When students enjoy their university environment, they’ll want to participate and stay in university.

6. Provide career and technical education: Career and technical education classes make university more interesting and meaningful for students.

7. Counselling Teacher and university extends helping hand to the students by providing tuition, extra waiver, part time job etc.

8. English and Mathematics teachers try to develop the student’s basic knowledge as much as possible in friendly manner.

9. Misunderstanding between guardians and students should be minimize through counselling teacher.

10. Proper counseling, monitoring and encouraging the students to complete their respective degrees might reduce the drop out numbers of students.

11. Teachers need to take extra effort in assisting slow and creative learners to connect to academics, in experiential ways. We can motivate them to learn faster, is to guide them through the purpose of the text.

12. By engaging students in our class, we can encourage them to stay alert, attentive, learn effectively, and contribute efficiently. As a result, giving no room for boredom or discontentment

13. Counselling is the best way to this type of drop out.

14. Advisor may play major role here but we have to assign 20 students only to a particular teacher so that he/ she can take 1 to 1 care to all 20 students.

15. We have to engage parents in the process so that parents also can take care.

16. We have to give confidence and show them the future i.e. we have to make them understand the need of study for better future.

17. Talk personally with students who are facing extreme financial crisis and if possible give waiver/ financial slack or provide them possible option to come up from crisis.

18. Besides, we have to ensure best possible service (both in classroom and out of classroom)

19. We can increase the number of waiver for them.

20. Use technology to engage students.

21. Provide education loan for financial support.

22. Provide career and technical education: Career and technical education classes make university more interesting and meaningful for students.

23. If the student continuously and consecutively do bad results then he/she not get any interest to study, consequently decided to drop.my opinion is that find out the poor result students put extra time to find reason by talking with them then necessary measures should be taken accordingly.

24. Before admitting students, we will take standard admission test, we will identify student's interest in study that they really want to study by their own choice or from other motivation, and finally we will be clear about their family income source or family condition during viva.

25. Teachers need to take extra effort in assisting slow and creative learners to connect to academics, in experiential ways. We can motivate them to learn faster, is to guide them through the purpose of the text.

26. By engaging students in our class, we can encourage them to stay alert, attentive, learn effectively, and contribute efficiently. As a result, giving no room for boredom or discontentment

27. We have to be careful to know about the students with poor attendance, below average performances, behind credits, symptoms of withdrawal from involvement in class work or homework, etc.

28. A concerned teacher can be an influencing factor in a student's decision to stay back or to opt out of education. It is also important to create stronger bonds by supporting students in their academic, emotional, and social needs; along with grooming them to progress higher in life.

29. It is quite normal for a parent to involve lesser, as students get older and try to become independent in their progressive grades. However, it is essential to involve parents regularly in the activities.

30. We have to ensure that they are getting best services from us in terms of all aspects.

31. Providing best teachers and best services in the first year.

32. A foreign tour/exchange program can be arranged especially for this first-year students. They will not forget this experience I am sure.

33. Individualized attention

34. Poor academic performance in the previous exams and current semesters.

35. Negligence of the guardians to their child’s and also irregularity of mentoring by teachers.

36. Select students based on financial ability so that he/she can continue study. For this reason the authority can ask income statement from the guardian at the time of admission.

37. Take proper selection from admission test so that parents can realize that DIU takes the quality students.

38. Strictly maintaining the students rules regarding appearing in exams so that students realize they can't be promoted to the next semester without continuing previous semesters. That means break of study not allowed for more than 1/2 semesters.

39. Minimum 60% class attendance required for sitting in the exam. So, students will be regular and regular students won't be dropped out.

40. I think we shall develop communications and correspondence between students advisor and course teacher, sometimes advisor or mentor's doesn't know which students drop out the until semester end.

41. We shall talk dropout students’ parents and get the reason.

42. One faculty member should be assigned for dealing with this drop out issue. All batch advisers will report to the responsible faculty member regarding the students remaining absent in more than half of the classes conducted in a month. Then the faculty member will contact with those students and find out the reasons of their absence and try to solve those problems (He can take help from the department if needed)

43. Parents should be called from the mentor if students are absent in more than 2 classes consecutively.

44. The drop-out rate is high in case of 1st year students (in particular, 1st semester and 2nd semester). The mentors of respective batch can track the attendance record, talk with the absentees, even with their parents. In some cases, parents are unaware of their child’s absenteeism.

45. Meeting with parents of 1st year students (in particular, 1st semester and 2nd semester) can be held in each semester.

46. The authority may consider to offer mandatory non-credit English and Mathematics courses to provide a sound basis in mathematics and English to the students and make them confident.

47. Industry centric knowledge with practitioners' presence in the class is required. Students are very smart & they look for application based learning.

48. One more problem should be solved as soon as possible, that is DIU graduates less employability in the market.

49. Put more emphasis on weak students by counseling and give them extra opportunity.

50. Try to find out the problem of irregular student, in case of any personal problem let them understand and let inform their parents.

51. First of all, we have to engage them and give the feelings university as their second home. How? We can arrange cultural week and give section wise fun type competition where every student is supposed to join. By this way, they will make friendship with other and come up from homesickness mentality. I will share details plan with you sir in person.