Meeting attended from the Department

Invitation to join the online meeting with Deans & Associate Deans of the faculties and Heads & Associate Heads of the departments ( to be held at 5:30 pm, 23 March, Today, 2020)

Date : March 23, 2020 (Today)

Time : 5:30 pm

You are earnestly requested to join the meeting through your available device (Cell phone/Laptop/Desktop with webcam).

Please click the following link to join the online meeting.

Agenda of the meeting are as follows:

· Counseling students in this crisis time

On behalf of the Honorable Vice Chancellor.

Urgent: Invitation to join the online meeting with Deans & Associate Deans of the faculties, Heads & Associate Heads of the departments and Senior officials of DIU( to be held at 3:00 pm, 01 April, Wednesday, 2020)

Date : April 01, 2020 (Wednesday)

Time : 3:00 pm

Please click the following link to join the online meeting through your available device (Cell phone/Laptop/Desktop with a webcam).

Agenda of the meeting:

· Possible eventuality of Holding Final Exams online

Following officials are specially invited to join the meeting:

1. Mr. Akhtabul Alom, Deputy Controller of Examinations

2. Mr. Mohammad Akter Ul Alam Suvro, Assistant Director (IT)

Invitation to join the online meeting with the Honorable Vice Chancellor (on Saturday, April 11, 2020 at 03:00 pm)

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is for your information that a special meeting with the Honorable Vice Chancellor has been arranged to be held on online as per the following schedule:

Date : April 11, 2020 (Saturday)

Time : 3:00 pm

Please click the following link to join the online meeting through your available device (Cell phone/Laptop/Desktop with a webcam).

Agenda of the meeting:

· Building online team spirit

Urgent: Invitation to join the online meeting with Deans & Associate Deans of the faculties, Heads & Associate Heads of the departments and Senior officials of DIU( to be held at 6:45 pm, 11 April, Today, 2020)

This is for your kind information that a special meeting with Deans & Associate Deans of the faculties and Heads & Associate Heads of the departments has been scheduled to be held on online as per the following schedule:

Date : April 11, 2020 (Today)

Time : 6:45 pm

Please click the following link to join the online meeting through your available device (Cell phone/Laptop/Desktop with a webcam).

Agenda of the meeting:

· University leadership challenges during the current situation.

Honorable Chairman, BoT will join the meeting

On behalf of the Honorable Vice Chancellor.

Invitation to join the online meeting with Professor Ahmed Mustafa, Purdue University, USA (at 9:00 pm, 14 April, Today, 2020)

I would like to request you on-behalf of Honorable Chairman, BoT and Vice Chancellor to attend a meeting with Professor Ahmed Mustafa, Purdue University, USA has been arranged to be held as per the following schedule.

Meeting Time: 9:00 PM (Today): Meeting Date: 14 April 2020

Please click the following link to join the online meeting through your available device (Cell phone/Laptop/Desktop with a webcam).

Agenda of the meeting are as follows:

1. Purdue's journey to go online and my own journey learning about online delivery and how student's learn

2. Need to create a DIU strategy and timeline for going online/blended mode learning

3. Parts of an online course

4. Need for a university wide platform and framework - the difference between a meeting tool and a teaching tool. Demonstration of a uniform framework and tool.

5. Training for Heads, Deans, and Online Support Team

6. Time for preparation of online materials for each department and blended learning for lab courses.

7. Contract with teachers, course load

8. Launching of online/blended classes

9. My role in supporting DIU to go online - next three months and subsequent support

It is a last-minute invitation, so please pardon me and join the meeting if possible.

An Online Session on "THE FUTURE OF TEACHING: DIGITAL INSTRUCTION FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT"( April 22, 2020, Wednesday during 9 am to 11 am)

Dear Sir/Madam,

As earnestly requested by some, an online session titled: The future of teaching: digital instruction for skill development with Deans & Associate Deans of the faculties and the Heads & Associate Heads of the departments has been arranged to be held as per the following schedule:

Date : April 22, 2020 (Wednesday)

Time : 9:00 am to 11:00 am (2 hours)

The online meeting link will InshaAllah be sent to you shortly


Design and construction of a standard teaching platform using Moodle.

The following topics will be discussed:

· Construction of a standard design

· Delivery of learning materials

· Tools for communications

· Procedures for assessment

· Grading and keeping students informed about their progress


Professor Yusuf M. Islam, PhD, Vice Chancellor- Moderator

Professor Ahmed Mustafa, Purdue University, USA – Facilitator

You are earnestly requested to join the online session

Urgent: Invitation to join the online meeting with Deans & Associate Deans of the faculties, Heads & Associate Heads of the departments and and Senior officials of DIU ( to be held at 7:30 pm, 29 April, Today, 2020)

Respected Sir/Madam,

This is for your kind information that an urgent meeting with Deans & Associate Deans of the faculties and Heads & Associate Heads of the departments has been arranged to be held on “Google Meet” as per the following schedule:

Date : April 29, 2020 (Today)

Time : 7:30 pm

Please click the following link to join the online meeting:

Agenda of the meeting:

· Academic discussion and preparation for summer semester-2020.

On behalf of the Honorable Vice Chancellor (In-Charge).

Urgent Joint Meeting of DIU Management Committee and Deans' Committee with Heads and Associate Heads [on Friday, May 08, 2020 at 10:30 am]

Respected Sir,

This is for your kind information that an urgent Joint Meeting of DIU Management Committee and Deans' Committee with all Associate Deans, Heads and Associate Heads of the Departments, has been scheduled at "Google Meet" as per the following schedule:

Date : May 08, 2020 (Friday)

Time : 10:30 am

Please click the following link to join the meeting:

Agenda of the meeting:

1) UGC Notice on Online Activities (dated May 07, 2020)

On behalf of the Vice Chancellor (In-charge),

Invitation: an urgent meeting with Deans & Associate Deans of the fac... @ Mon 11 May 2020 7:30pm - 8:30pm

Respected Sir/Madam,

This is for your kind information that an urgent meeting with Deans and Associate Deans of the faculties and Heads & Associate Heads of the department has been arranged at "Google Meet" as per the above-mentioned schedule.

You are requested to join the meeting on clicking the given link.


1. BLC/Moodle Course repository


Mon 11 May 2020 7:30pm – 8:30pm Bangladesh Standard Time


Google Meet (map)

Joining info

Join with Google Meet

Invitation to join the online demo meeting of the 26th meeting of Academic Council (at 3 pm on 13 May, Wednesday, 2020)

Respected Sir/Madam,

This is for your kind information that a demo meeting of the 26th meeting of Academic Council of DIU has been arranged to be held online using BigBlueButton as per the following schedule:

Date : May 13, 2020 (Wednesday)

Time : 3:00 pm

Please click the following link to join the online meeting:

Agenda of the meeting:

· Trial/Demo meeting of the 26th meeting of the Academic Council on a new meeting module.

Invitation to join the online demo meeting of the 26th meeting of Academic Council (at 3 pm on 13 May, Wednesday, 2020)

Respected Sir/Madam,

This is for your kind information that a demo meeting of the 26th meeting of Academic Council of DIU has been arranged to be held online using BigBlueButton as per the following schedule:

Date : May 13, 2020 (Wednesday)

Time : 3:00 pm

Please click the following link to join the online meeting:

Agenda of the meeting:

· Trial/Demo meeting of the 26th meeting of the Academic Council on a new meeting module.

Urgent: Invitation to join the online meeting with Deans & Associate Deans of the faculties, Heads & Associate Heads of the departments and Senior officials of DIU( to be held at 4:00 pm, 20 May, Wednesday, 2020)

Respected Sir/Madam,

This is for your kind information that an urgent meeting with Deans and Associate Deans of the faculties and Heads & Associate Heads of the departments has been arranged to be held online using "BigBlueButton" as per the following schedule.

Date : May 20, 2020 (Wednesday)

Time : 4:00 pm

Please click the following link to join the online meeting:

Agenda of the meeting:

· Final examinations of the spring semester-2020

Virtual Meeting of the Equivalence Committee, FBE

From : Dean, Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship, DIU

Subject: Virtual Meeting of the Equivalence Committee, FBE

A virtual meeting of the Equivalence Committee of the Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship (FBE) will be held on June 9, 2020 (Tuesday) at 05:15 pm using Google Meet.

You are requested to kindly attend the meeting.

Join with Google Meet: