Session 2

Screencastify with Jessica Reed

Come and learn about a quick and easy way to record things in your classroom! We will discuss how to use any type of Chrome Recorder to help differentiate learning in the classroom.

Connecting Infinite Campus with Google Classroom with Gabrielle Haston

Wouldn't it be easy to click a button and all your grades from Google Classroom are in Infinite Campus? Guess what?! That button DOES exist! This session will train teachers on how to connect their classrooms to Infinite Campus and import grades from Classroom to Campus at the click of a button. We will also briefly explore how to create quick formative assessments in Google Classroom so that you can work SMARTER not harder! :)

Blooket with Crysti Wilson

Welcome to the World of Blooket: a new take on trivia and review games! Blooket isn't just fun, it's also incredibly effective. By creating memorable experiences with classroom content, students learn the information without even noticing (and without paper cuts).