Tips, Templates, and Tutorials

Templates, Tutorial, Tips, and other REsources


ECE - Grade 2: Choice Board Template; Choice Board Example 1, Example 2

ECE - Grade 2: Exit Ticket Template

Grades 3 - 5: E-learning Digital Template; Template Tutorial and Ideas


Google Classroom 32 short videos on how do do anything Google Classroom by Alice Keeler

Recording Lessons with Google Meet

Virtual Meetings with Google Meet

Scheduling appointments with Google Calendar


  • Establish daily schedules for both you and students.

  • Check out the 'Daily E-learning Ideas' pages on the left - new ideas will be posted every day.

  • Break learning into smaller chunks.

  • Be clear about expectations for online participation.

  • Provide immediate (or at least frequent) feedback through online knowledge checks, comments on collaborative documents and chat to keep students motivated and moving forward.

  • Include virtual meetings, live chats or video tutorials to maintain a human connection.

  • Design independent learning that doesn't require parental support.

  • Address the emotional toll and make sure students are happy and healthy, if you suspect a problem, talk to your school's administrator.

  • Take care of yourself - take regular breaks, exercise, keep a regular sleep schedule, limit distractions, set daily and weekly goals, make time so socialize - even if its virtually.

  • Choose the right tools and stick with them.

  • Review digital etiquette and embed digital citizenship into online collaboration activities.

Other Resources