
Grades K-1

Students in grades K-1 use Seesaw. It can be accessed through ClassLink. This tool is a platform for students to complete digital activities, record videos, take photos, type notes, and draw or screencast on a digital whiteboard. Seesaw is also a communication tool for parents similar to that of social media. Depending on your child's teacher, students in grades 2+ may also use Seesaw in addition to Google Classroom.

Introduction to Seesaw for Families


Which Seesaw app should I download as a parent?

As a parent you will want to download the FAMILY APP from either Apple or Google Play. The Family app is great for family members and teachers to communicate, but students should use the Class app for home learning.

Which Seesaw app should my child download?

If your child is using his/her District Chromebook or another computer, then they should only use ClassLink to access Seesaw. If your child is using a tablet or phone, then the Seesaw CLASS APP should be downloaded to their device.

Can my child use the Family app to complete activities?

No. Your child should only access Seesaw through ClassLink on a computer, or the Seesaw Class App on a tablet/mobile device. The Family App will not work for completing activities or posting items.

How am I invited to my child's Seesaw?

Depending on how your child's classroom teacher chose to invite families, you with receive any of the following:

  • Email - When you receive an email it will appear directly in your personal inbox. Family members will need to choose to connect to their child’s journal. Family members will be prompted to sign in or create a new account.

  • SMS Message - When you receive an SMS message, it will appear on your device. A message from your child's teacher will appear on your lock screen. When family members open the message, you will see directions to connect to your child’s journal. Family members will be prompted to sign in with an existing account or create a new account. If you do not have the Seesaw Family App, you will be prompted to download the Seesaw Family App (available on all app stores) once you have created an account.

  • QR Code - When you receive a QR Code, you can use their device’s camera or the camera in the Seesaw Family App to connect to your child’s account. When family members open their camera, they can take a picture of the QR code. Then will be prompted to open in Safari on their device. At this time, family members will confirm their connection.

What can families see on Seesaw?

Families only have access to their child’s journal. This means you will see student work tagged with your child’s name and posts the teacher tags with 'Everyone'. Families will also be able to see any comment made by another user on their child's journal posts.

Family members cannot access any other student’s content.