Google Classroom

Located on ClassLink is Google Classroom. Google Classroom is a digital education platform. Teachers use this tool to share assignments, homework, instructions, videos, links, and resources. Grades, as well as feedback, for each assignment can be found on Google Classroom. Students may also use this platform to write private comments or questions to teachers related to their work.


Instructional Videos


Where does my child obtain the code to join Google Classroom?

You can obtain the class code from your child's classroom teacher.

My child's assignment says "Request Access", but he/she was able to edit it yesterday. What happened?

In this case, your child has clicked the Turn In button before finishing their work. Follow the steps below to gain editing rights for the assignment.

  1. Click on the Classwork tab.

  2. Click the name of the assignment.

  3. Click View Assignment.

  4. Click the UNSUBMIT button.

How do I see my child's work on Google Classroom?

We recommend having your child show you their work on Google Classroom through their own account. Parents do not have access to student work, even if they receive Guardian Summaries. Guardian Summaries only receive weekly/daily emails communicating the upcoming or due assignments. It does not provide parents/guardians actual student work, grades, or feedback. An example of a Guardian Summary can be found here.

Does my child get notified when the teacher returns or grades an assignment?

No. We recommend students manually checking their grades and feedback daily. To do this go to Google Classroom and click VIEW MY WORK. Then, the student should click RETURNED on the lefthand side. This will provide a list of assignments your child's teacher has graded and provided feedback on.

Can my child view their overall grade on Google Classroom?

Yes, if your child's classroom teacher has selected this function to be turned on within their settings. Many elementary (grades 2-5) do NOT have this setting turned on. It is up to the individual teacher as to whether this information is displayed for students/parents. Lincoln Middle school teachers use PowerTeacher to report grades.

How do I know if my child is completing the work on Google Classroom?

We recommend reviewing together with your child the VIEW MY WORK section each night just as you would with a traditional assignment planner.

Can I use my personal gmail account to join my child's Google Classroom?

No. Only Google accounts associated with the D57 domain are allowed in Google Classroom.