School Wellness Champions/Teams

Wellness Policy: Goal 1

The District requires each school and administrative building to designate a Wellness Champion to support implementation of the wellness policy as well as monitoring and reporting to the District Wellness Advisory Council.

The entire school/work environment, will be aligned with wellness goals to positively influence a student’s and employees understanding, beliefs and habits as they relate to comprehensive wellness, including good nutrition and regular physical activity.

Principals and/or site leader shall:


In the Fall of 2018, School Wellness Teams were started in 14 of our schools.  In order to qualify for this, schools had to complete the Smart Source Survey and designate a School Wellness Champion.

To ensure health equity, schools reviewed their schools data and created a School Health Improvement Plan (SHIP).  School were then given funds to put their plans into action!  Funding for School Wellness Teams comes from the Colorado Health Foundations Healthy Schools Grant! 

The District Wellness Advisory Committee awarded $40,000 to School Wellness Teams during the 2018-2019 school year thanks to a grant from the CO Health Foundation!

Resources for Implementation

Nutrition Education Resources Available for Checkout

School Wellness Teams are allowed to checkout nutrition education materials from the District Wellness Coordinator.  Click on the link below to see what's available then email the Wellness Coordinator to arrange pick-up.

Family Fun Packs

Family Fun Packs are available for School Wellness Teams to check out for any school event to get families active!  Please contact Ayme Zortman to arrange pick up.

Active Playgrounds

School Wellness Teams are allowed to check out stencils to create an active playground at their school.  Stencils can be checked out from the District Wellness Coordinator.  Schools will need to supply paint, painting supplies and a painting team.

Online Resources