Bog Mummy Research Essay

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In-text citation examples


What is Parenthetical Citation?

Parenthetical citation is when a writer directly puts into the text a note from

where he or she got the information. Parenthetical or “in-text” citation allows

your reader to know from what source each idea/fact came.

This is how it looks in the text of your paper:

“In 2007, 37 percent of American adults sought medical information from the

internet regarding a health problem they were experiencing before consulting a

doctor” (Smith 38).

In the example above, notice that the author’s name and the page number on

which this fact was found are set off from the text within parenthesis. Note also

that the punctuation of this parenthetical citation is also important. The reader

would understand from this citation that on page 38 of Smith’s book, this fact is

mentioned. Furthermore, since the words are contained within quotes, the above

example illustrates that this is a direct quote from that page.

Here is an example of the same idea presented as summarized information:

Instead of going to a doctor right away, a recent study found that 37 percent of

Americans are now turning to the internet for medical information (Smith 38).

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