
Presentations (Phase 2)

PHASE 2 It’s almost time for Fred’s party! Now that we have a room full of experts, it’s time to share our information with one another. For this phase 2, you’ll be joining forces with the other experts who studied your topic (history, fashion, etiquette, and entertainment). In this new group, you’ll be creating a presentation in which you’ll share all the cool new things you learned with the rest of the class.

1. Your presentation can be given in several different ways. Choose from an option below! (No posters please!)

  • Rap/song

  • Live demonstration

  • Skit

  • News Broadcast

  • Newspaper Section (with each member contributing a short article)

2. Presentation requirements:

  • Interesting and relevant information that your group discovered

  • 2-3 visual aids/props/set pieces

  • Advice for the party: Explain to the class exactly how the information you are sharing will help them figure out how to act, what to say, and what to wear at Fred’s Christmas party.

  • 5-10 minutes


**Be creative and have fun! After all, we’re getting ready for a party! Remember to be respectful towards one another and understand that your final grade for this project will combine four things:

1. Your “Expert Packet” grade (grading will be based upon completion, detail, effort, and quality of work)

2. Your individual contributions to your group presentation

3. An overall group presentation grade (rubric)

4. Your final assessment will be your Christmas Carol Essay. The prompt will be given to you ahead of time and you may use your notes during the in-class assessment.