what we do


Founded in 1996, Red Deer Search and Rescue (RDSAR) was a 100% non-profit, self funded organization. Under the RDSAR banner was a team of highly trained volunteers specializing in ground and urban Search and Rescue, Rope Rescue, Ice and Swift Water Rescue, Animal Rescue, Confined Space and Technical Search covering the Central Zone in Alberta.
RDSAR has participated in hundreds of search and rescue missions for missing persons, flood mitigation, mutual aid, fire support and evidence search for RCMP as well as disasters such as the Pine Lake Tornado.

In 2022 RDSAR has found many communities in the Central Alberta region do not have a dedicated Search and Rescue team. RDSAR will expand our team into these areas under the name Central Zone Search and Rescue (CZSAR) 

Our mission is to provide the highest quality of Search and Rescue members to return missing persons to their families and bring closure to those in need. Our goal is to bring CZSAR to the forefront of the communities we serve, to include more volunteer members in building community connections and to maintain a viable Search and technical Rescue team to assist those in need, whether lost, missing or in a disaster situation.

ground search and rescue

The basis of our team started in GSAR (ground search and rescue), where we are trained to search for missing, lost, or overdue people or clues including evidence searches. Our team has certified search managers, trained and dedicated search members. We even have a live search dog certified by SARDAA. A command post with radios and GPS plus more is at our disposal.

water/ice rescue

Enjoy spending time on our local rivers or lakes? Our team goes through extensive training to perform rescues on water or ice. Weather it be warm or cold, moving or still water. Boats, floatation devices or throw bags. we are ready to get wet.

rope rescue

High angle or low slopes we can handle it, and practice in it often. Intricate rope kits, stretchers, spine boards, and more to make sure we can handle almost any situation, even if its 200 ft in the air.

Technical rescue

Unusual environments do not stop us, we have 360 camera's, ground penetrating radar, metal detectors, listening devices, UAV's, and more. We can access spaces that no one else can.

structural collapse

Specialists in dangerous situations, to rescue and support, to try and get life back to a normal situation. We can build up and support or break it down and access. We love to get dirty.

Much More

We have other specialty equipment to handle alot of different situations, we will always do what we can to make sure everyone is safe.