Rope Rescue

What is Rope rescue?

high angle

Whether we are 20 feet in the air or 200, a life is always in the line. Knowing our knots and mechanical advantage is a must. We could be trying to access a patient in a bad situation or trying to get someone out in the safest way possible, because sometimes walking is not possible.

knot or do knot

Knots are the base knowledge of this discipline, we learn about specific knots that are designed for life bearing loads, no not your granny knots or the ones you tie you shoes with. we are tested on them on a regular basis to make sure we are always ready for any need. A lot of knots, we cross over to other disciplines like water and ice rescue. When in doubt tie lots, doesn't always work...

Low angle

Sometimes just walking up a hill can be unsafe when trying to move an injured person, so using rope can help stabilize the situation

More then a harness is needed to move some people when injuries are involved so patient packaging comes into play. we have to secure them for their safest retrieval. This is another discipline that we get tested on regularly.Â