Judging Criteria

Please read the criteria carefully. This could make or break your entry and is what the judges will be looking for.



Minecraft world solves the problem (keeping people safe)

  1. You solve one problem in your world

  2. You have solved at least two problems in your world

  3. Your problem solving skills are outstanding. You have solved problems that we didn't even know existed. Your solutions are evident in your video presentation.

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  1. There is one good sustainable idea in the world.

  2. The are at least 2 sustainable ideas in the world.

  3. This world is incredible, it shows true sustainable innovation, where people can live in a sustainable way for a long period of time.

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Creativity and Innovation

  1. There is one original creative idea in the world.

  2. There are at least two original, creative ideas in the world.

  3. Ideas are completely outside the box, with innovative ways of living on an island with virus ridden animals.

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  1. You have shown one clear design idea (Its practical to get around).

  2. You have planned and shown two good design ideas, it is a joy to move around and interact with.

  3. Your world is unique and functional, taking into account other end users.

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  1. Your Flipgrid or video presentation shows planning and thought

  2. Your voice is precise, shows clarity and varied tone. Show enthusiasm, you are selling your world.

  3. Your presentation is entertaining and interesting. Be creative,

Remember the hard work you have done in your world can only be shown through your presentation

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