Student Data Privacy

CVSD strives to ensure the protection of our students’ privacy while at the same time enabling innovative uses of technology to support teaching and learning. 

The Champlain Valley School District works closely with The Education Cooperative (TEC) to facilitate the execution of data privacy agreements with all vendors. TEC represents a number of school districts across Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Maine, and Vermont concerned with student data privacy. Utilizing TEC's partnership with other school districts puts us in a stronger position when negotiating contract terms than attempting to do this on our own and sends vendors a strong message that data privacy is an important issue we need to work on together.

Our Data Privacy agreement requires all vendors to: 

The data privacy agreements are renewed every three years.

Why Student Data Privacy Matters

In today’s world of advancing online resources teachers, students, and parents/caregivers benefit from an ever-increasing wealth of tools to support teaching and learning. The growth in these tools is extraordinary with great potential to improve student outcomes. Along with this explosion in the growth of online learning tools, comes the inherent risks of leakage of student data and understandable concerns over student privacy. 

Additional steps the district has taken to ensure both data privacy and data security so student's private information remains protected include:

The Laws:

CIPA Children's Internet Protection Act

COPPA   Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

FERPA   Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

PPRA    Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment