Student & Family Wellness

You might be thinking to yourself, what is wellness? In broad terms, wellness is defined as an active process of increasing one’s awareness and pursuit of choices, activities, and behaviors that support a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is the many steps that we take each day on the path to good health.

Rachel Petraska is the School Counselor Liaison for VLA and is also a School Counselor at Shelburne Community School. She will work with VLA families and be a connection to School Counselors across CVSD from Charlotte, Hinesburg, Shelburne, and Williston.

Rachel has led the development a collection of resources for students and families that can be found at the SCS Wellness web site.

Cindi Stanley is the VLA Wellness Teacher, teaching a 5-8 Essential Arts class on wellness.

Contact Information

Rachel Petraska, VLA School Counselor Liaison:

Cindi Stanley, VLA 5-8 Wellness Teacher