Mental Health Supports

We are operating in uncharted territory right now that nobody could have possible imagined or prepared for.  Your  Calexico Unified School District (CUSD) wants you to know that your feelings are valid, no matter what they are. You might feel scared, confused, overwhelmed, angry, alone, grateful, or completely calm. You might feel many things at once, like being upset that an event was cancelled, but happy that you can wear pajamas all day. Your feelings are normal; the situation is not.

 Don't forget to breathe.

This Virtual Calming Rooms are a place for students, staff and families to find tools and strategies for managing emotions and feelings. We are here to support you!


Disclaimer: The following links are purely for educational purposes and are not intended as psychological interventions or as a substitute for psychological treatment. If you are in need of psychological help you should seek the consultation of a licensed mental health professional.

Estamos operando en territorio desconocido en este momento que nadie podría haber imaginado o preparado.  Su Distrito Unificado de Calexico quiere que sepan que sus sentimientos son válidos, sin importar cuáles sean. Es posible que se sienta asustado, confundido, abrumado, enojado, solo, agradecido o completamente tranquilo. Es posible que sienta muchas cosas a la vez, como estar molesto porque un evento fue cancelado, pero feliz de que pueda usar pijama todo el día. Sus sentimientos son normales; la situación no lo es. 

No olvide respirar.

Estas Salas de Calma Virtuales son un lugar para que los estudiantes, staff y las familias encuentren herramientas y estrategias para manejar emociones y sentimientos. ¡Estamos aquí para apoyarles!


Descargo de responsabilidad: Los siguientes enlaces son puramente con fines educativos y no pretenden ser intervenciones psicológicas o como un sustituto del tratamiento psicológico. Si usted está en necesidad de ayuda psicológica debe buscar la consulta de un profesional de salud mental con licencia.

Bitmoji Calming Rooms-Click on the images to access strategies to help you calm and relaxed

Salones de Relajamiento con Bitmojis-Dele click a las imagenes para accessar muchas estrategias que ayudan a relajarse y calmarse. 

Stressed about the global pandemic, unemployment, financial uncertainty, or civil unrest? Even in these tough times, you can find joy in your daily life and improve your outlook.

Headspace: Educators Daily Practice

Free guide for educators k-12. Meditation can have a positive effect on both mental and physical health. Start your program by focusing on key mindfulness techniques to create a healthier, happier life.

Headspace for Educators: Headspace offers free access to all K-12 teachers, school administrators, and supporting staff in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia.

Headspace for Educators: Meditation 101

Headspace and Microsoft: Mindfulness in Classrooms

Weathering the Storm Together 

Help Guides

Click on the article for more information:


Tips for dealing with anxiety, panic, and stress.

Tips on dealing with money worries.

Steps you can take to keep a sense of structure (and your sanity)!

Coping with the stress of losing a job.

Techniques for dealing with overwhelming stress. 


Even during a stay-at-home order, you can work on your physical fitness.

Pets offer companionship—along with mental and physical health benefits. 


Tips for overcoming adversity.

Recovering after a crisis, natural disaster, or disturbing event.

Understanding the grieving process and learning to heal.

Tips for helping a child or teen recover from the trauma of coronavirus.


Feeling anxious about the future? This mindfulness meditation can help.

Connect to a place of inner calm, even in the midst of chaos or strong emotions.

Learn to counter negative self-talk with kindness and self-compassion.

Cultivate your ability to be mindful and tuned in to what you’re feeling.

Harness the power of your breath to ground yourself and regain inner calm.

Relieve stress, anxiety, and muscle tension with this simple relaxation exercise.