Current Events

Fires in Australia

by Elizabeth Jeffers

As many of us know, climate change has had a large impact on our planet, and many natural disasters have occurred because of this. Currently, the world is suffering from fires everywhere, destroying property and entire ecosystems. It has been particularly severe in Australia. As of today, over one-billion have died due to the fires. People have been evacuating the area and first responders are doing their best to protect the affected land. Disasters such as fire-tornadoes and other severe occurrences have been corrupting the continent. We need to get our planet in better shape to prevent further damage to other areas, and we need to do it as soon as possible. If we remain silent about this matter, our planet as we know it will know longer exist.

WWIII: Will it happen?

by Tyler Brannen

The question is pondering among the young, middle, and elderly, will there be a third world war within this decade? With many people making jokes about world war three on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and other social media platforms. After the death of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani ordered by president Donald Trump, there are rumors flying about the subject of a world war. If there is a world war, there are also more rumors of drafting citizens into military service in order to protect their homeland. With both of these subjects being very popular globally, they are trending on Twitter. Business Insider denies the thought of a draft being imminent, but South China Morning Post proves that a world war may actually come but from another source which is not Iraq. With these opposing ideas dating back as far as the 14th of April, they became most popular at the start of January 2020. As of January 11th to now, the talk of World War three seems to be increasing but not necessarily the “serious talk.” More or less memes are sparking up about the conflict again and/or other issues globally, but with a January 8th article from Newsela they seem to clear up all the drama quite easily, ending with Donald Trump saying they are seeking peace with anybody who offers it and to embrace it dearly. I highly recommend reading this if you want to have a lengthier explanation. Although this article says that there are not going to be a war, you should still check Twitter for updates especially from the Defcon staff as January 7th. Defcon 5 was declared and the situation is still being assessed and not many people knew about it (even though defcon 5 is peaceful times).

Shoveling Snow Could Be Dangerous

by Benjamin Westmaas

Snow removal led to about 100 deaths and 11,500 injuries that required a trip to the emergency room each year between 1990 and 2006, a study published in the peer-reviewed American Journal of Emergency Medicine found. This is very bad, so there are many things you can do to stay safe. For instance, "It’s important that older people simply don’t go out and shovel and clear heavy, wet snow," Franklin said. "Unfortunately, every year when you’ve got major snowfalls you hear of people who go out and die suddenly." When shoveling, don't throw the snow over your shoulder or to the side because that twisting motion will stress your back, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Try to push the snow instead of lifting it. "If you must lift, squat with your legs apart, knees bent, and back straight. Lift with your legs. Do not bend at the waist," the group said in a release. "Holding a shovelful of snow with your arms outstretched puts too much weight on your spine." Franklin also suggests taking frequent breaks to watch for heart attack warning signs and avoid putting too much stress on your heart. Although chest pain is the most common symptom, women are more likely to experience other symptoms including shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain, according to the American Heart Association.

"Any discomfort that comes from the belly button on up could be an angina equivalent and would signal that you should stop shoveling immediately," Franklin said. Franklin said that those most at risk are 55 and older, have known or suspected coronary artery disease, or have one or more risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure) or a habitually sedentary lifestyle. Snow shoveling is so dangerous because it increases heart rate and blood pressure, Franklin explained, while exposure to the cold air decreases the flow of oxygenated blood to the heart.

A lot of people ask if you should use a snowblower or a shovel. Well, if you live in an area that gets constantly hit with major snowstorms, it might be safer to invest in a snowblower, according to Paul Hope, Home and Appliances Writer at Consumer Reports. There are five or six different types of snowblowers that are categorized by power source (corded electric, battery or gas) and the amount of snow they can handle (single, two, or three stage). Stage 1 machines can clear about 9 inches of snow while stage 3 machines can clear up to 18 inches, he said. If you're shoveling when the snow is light and fresh, Hope recommends using a wide, all-purpose, plastic snow shovel. But if the snow has had time to get wet and heavy, Hope suggests using a metal shovel with sides to help break up icy patches.

Some other interesting facts are that the most common injuries were soft tissue damage, the lower back was the most frequently damaged part of the body, and cardiac-related injuries were responsible for all of the 1,647 fatalities. In addition, snow removal led to about 100 deaths and 11,500 injuries that required a trip to the emergency room each year between 1990 and 2006, a study published in the peer-reviewed American Journal of Emergency Medicine found.

The best and fastest way to shovel snow is if your driveway is far away from your house. Hope recommends starting in the middle of the driveway and working your way out until you've cleared a path wide enough for your car. If your driveway is very close to your house, Hope said to start at the edge closest to your home and go back in the opposite direction at the end of each pass, moving a little further from the house each time. If you are shoveling, its advised that you don’t twist or through the snow behind you because that can damage your back and even break your back. But if you're using a snowblower, turn the chute 180 degrees each time so that you're always throwing the snow away from the house. If the forecast calls for a heavy snowfall over a long period of time, don't wait until it's over to pick up a shovel. Plan to clear the snow at least once while it's still falling and then again when the storm passes, Hope said. If you’re too late and can’t shovel it, you may just have to call a snowblower and pay him at a little wage.

Finally, what is the problem of shoveling 12 times a minute? Franklin said the average weight of a shovel full of heavy wet snow is 16 pounds, citing a small study he published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The men he studied were able to lift 12 times per minute for 10 minutes, moving nearly 2,000 pounds of snow. "That's the weight of a mid-size car," he said. "To ask a 50-, 60-, 70-year-old to move 2,000 pounds in 10 minutes in cold environmental conditions with the wind blowing, it’s not surprising that this activity triggers heart attacks and sudden death each year."

Thanks for reading this and I hope you learned something!
