Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question?

You've come to the right place! Scroll down for information about registration, programs, worship, events and more.

How do I register?

What events are happening?

Where do I find...?

Conference and Registration Information

Is the Conference taking place live?

There will be a variety of live and pre-recorded sessions at the Conference this year, but all sessions will be taking place at a scheduled time so that the presenters can be present and engage with attendees in real-time. It is the best of both worlds!

When will registration open and close?

Registration will open on March 15 and close on May 10 at 12 am PT|1 am MT|2 am CT| 3 am ET|4 am AT
Here are the links to register for the conference.

Where is Registration?

Registration is online. Go to the registration page and follow the link to your registration type on the CUC website.

Who can I contact to help me with registration?
Email or phone 416-489-4121 or toll-free 888-568-5723.

In what time zone will the Conference sessions be hosted?

All sessions will be listed in multiple time zones across Canada.

What events can I attend if I am not registered for the conference?

Registration is not required for this conference event: Sunday Multigen Worship Service

Adult and young adult registration gives you access to all of the conference events and programming. Explore all the sessions we offer including Worship, the Confluence lecture, Workshops, Networking opportunities, Social events including the Lighter Side comedy hour, the Wellness Lounge, and children's programming.

Technical Questions

What are the technical requirements needed to access the Conference events?

For the best experience, please use Google Chrome or Firefox and the latest version of Zoom.

How do I attend Zoom sessions if I am phoning in or using a tablet?

Follow the Links document in your registration confirmation for the meeting link (bitly), Meeting ID and Passcode or sign-in by visiting and selecting "Join a Meeting".

How do I find out which version of Zoom I have?

  • Mobile devices update automatically. For a PC or Mac, check that you are using the latest version of the Zoom client: top-right-hand corner of the app screen, then Help>Zoom. This is where you will see the Zoom Desktop Client version.

  • If you are not on version 5.50 or higher, click Check for Updates. If there is a newer version available, Zoom will download and install it.

What if I have other questions about Zoom?

If you are still unsure about your Zoom setup, read Instructions for Meeting Attendees and Zoom Tool Bar

What do I do if I can't get into a session?

While we do our best, there are times when technology does not cooperate. You can visit this website for updates or alternatively, phone 416-489-4121 or toll-free 888-568-5723, or email conference

How do I attend the live broadcast of the Sunday Worship Service?

The Sunday service will be live-streamed on Zoom at and on the CUC's YouTube Channel.

Events and Programs Information

Where do I find the Zoom links for the sessions?

After registering for the Conference, you will receive email notification of your registration. In that email, you will be given a link to a document with all the links for the conference.

How do I attend the live broadcast of the Sunday Worship Service?

You can attend via Zoom Meeting ID: 885 0018 9706 Passcode: 595025 and on the CUC's YouTube Channel.

Will there be social events and networking opportunities taking place this year?

Yes! The Friends of the CUC enjoy a private reception. It's not too late to become a donor this year. Just make a donation to the Friends of the CUC. Learn More about the Friends of the CUC on the CUC website.

The list of networking sessions and their scheduled times are available on this conference website.

The Wellness Lounge will have two drop-in sessions for meditation, seated yoga, chanting, and coffee chats. You can move from one session to another as you wish. Here's a chance for some self-care and connecting with others.

On Saturday evening we shine the light on "The Lighter Side" with the open mic multi-gen comedy event. Sign up to participate by May 1 at

There will be coffee breakouts after the Sunday service.

Is there a program for children and families?

Yes! Visit our Kids & Junior Youth page for more information.

Is there a program for teenagers?

Yes! There is a full weekend conference called CazUUm for youth ages 14-19 and their adult advisors that happens congruently with the National Conference. Visit the CazUUm pages for more information.

Is there a program for young adults?

Yes! Young adults (18-35 year-olds) get the best of both worlds - access to all of the regular National Conference programming, as well as special activities just for the YA community, known as Ensemble. Visit the Ensemble pages for more information.

I would like to attend a different workshop or networking session other than the one I signed up for. Is this possible? How can I make the change?

Unfortunately, once registration is closed no changes to workshops or networking sessions will be accepted. This is in the interest of supporting the Facilitators' preparations.

How do I donate to the CUC?

Donate to the Friends of the CUC. Learn More about the Friends of the CUC on the CUC website.

What is the Sunday service collection? How do I contribute?

The Board of Trustees has selected two charities to benefit from the Special Collection taken at the Sunday service during the conference. This year we are so pleased to support charities important to our youth and young adults: The Dawning Future - CUC Youth and Young Adult Subsidy and the Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources.

Which sessions will be recorded for future viewing?

Friday evening's Opening Ceremony, the Confluence Lecture, and the Sunday Worship Service will be recorded and made available on the CUC's YouTube Channel.