Music at the Conference - Deadline May 1
Susanne Maziarz is the music director at Neighbourhood UU Congregation in Toronto as well as the music director for this year's CUC annual conference.
An Invitation From Susanne:
I believe in singing the living tradition and to keep it living I have commissioned three new songs to be a part of the weekend. The first, Firefly, has been recorded by the Neighbourhood Spirit Choir. The second, Keep it Alight, is bringing together voices in a national virtual choir from across Canada, which is already in place, for the Sunday prelude. The third, Light of Love, needs your voice!
Rev. Wendy Luella Perkins in Kingston, Ontario, has written the new song, Light of Love, that we will sing throughout the weekend. View and download the chart and the lyrics.
I am asking congregations to make their own version of this song-their own arrangement, interpretation, the song your way...and to create a video that can be included in the weekend conference. It is a way to highlight the music of your congregation and for us to see and hear each other. It could be a solo, accompanied, instrumental....whatever works for you. You can use your preferred platform to create the video or tp check out the user-friendly app, (see below for instructions). Congregations that want to use this program can start by having one person record the music and adding the track for the others to follow.
If you are not able to make a congregational video but still want to contribute as an individual, please sing along with Wendy Luella and add your voice to the virtual choir.
To use this program, you have to use Google Chrome as your browser and be on a laptop or desktop, not a phone or tablet.
Click on 'add track', put an earphone in one ear so you can hear Wendy Luella and hear yourself in the other, click on 'start recording' and sing along.
If you don't like what you did, even partway through, you click on 'discard and try again' and try again.
When you are happy with your track, click on "add to song".
Please share this with your singers....the program can handle up to 100 voices!
The deadline to record the individual tracks, and to send in congregational videos is May 1st. The congregational videos can be uploaded to the CUC music google drive. If you’re using the platform, please send the link to Susanne at with “Light of Love - xxx (full name of congregation)” in the subject line.
It will be wonderful to see so many UUs singing together!
Note: These videos will be used as part of the CUC’s National Conference weekend, and by participating, singers give permission for the CUC to use the videos in promotional or other communications.
Those who want to use their recorded videos for their congregational or individual purposes, please contact Wendy Luella at for permission.