Cub Pack 119
Exploring New Things!
Outdoor Adventures!
Service to Our Community!
Evansburg Cub Scout Pack 119 is in the Lafayette District of the Cradle of Liberty Council with headquarters in Valley Forge, PA.
Our Pack meeting place and charter organization is the St. James Episcopal Church in Evansburg, PA.
We encourage you to Contact Us if you would like more information or are interested in becoming a part of our organization.
There are approximately 65 registered scouts in the Pack attending multiple schools in the Perkiomen Valley. The Pack's membership is an even dispersion of students from Methacton School District’s Arrowhead Elementary and Perkiomen Valley School District's South, Evergreen and Skippack Elementary Schools. The age group for Cub Scouts encompasses children from Kindergarten through 5th Grade.
After Cub Scouts the children will progress into Scouts BSA (formerly known as Boy Scouts). We are lucky enough to be partnered with Evansburg Troop 119. Both groups participate in a diverse group of activities. Our program is very active - you can take a look at our calendar for upcoming events. Individual age levels will meet 2-3 times a month at a time that works best for the group, as such it makes attendance easy on those families with complex schedules.
The cost to join our Pack as a Lion - Arrow of Light Scout (Kindergarten through Fifth Grades) is $85 a year paid directly to BSA, and includes the BSA membership. For an additional fee, you can add on a subscription to Scout Life magazine at the time of registration. Additionally, $70 is paid each year directly to the Pack, and includes a Pinewood Derby Kit and all of the awards for that year.
For more information about how to join Evansburg, PA Cub Scouts Pack 119, please click here (don't forget to select pack 119!).
Also see our Facebook Page-- www.facebook.com/cubpack119PA
Girls In Scouting
Cub Pack 119 proudly welcomes both girls and boys in grades Kindergarten through fifth grades. Cub Scouting offers outdoor activities enjoyed by girls and boys, including camping, hiking, archery, and more. Girls are invited to join our family-friendly pack, earning ranks and participating in all events. We have female leadership ready to answer any questions you may have about your daughter joining cub scouts.
Den Meetings
Den Meetings are held at the following for 2024-2025 (subject to change each year):
Lions (Kindergarten/5-6 years old) - once each month from 6:00 - 7:00pm at St James
Tigers (1st Grade/7 years old) - twice each month from 6:15 - 7:15pm at St James
Wolves (2nd Grade/8 years old) - twice each month from 6:15 - 7:10pm at St James
Bears (3rd Grade/9 years old) - twice each month from 6:30 - 7:30pm at St James
Webelos (4th Grade/10 years old) - twice each month from 6:30-7:30pm at St James
AOLs (5th Grade/11 years old) - twice each month from 6:30 - 7:30pm at St James
Monthly Planning Meetings
Pack Planning Meetings take place on the first Tuesday of each month at Platt Hall in St. James Church- all are welcome!
Annual Events
September 13th: Welcome Back Pack Movie Night (Down & Derby)
September 20th - 22nd: Fall Campout at Fort Akela
October 2nd: Dine & Donate at Trouble's End (flyer on calendar)
October 20th: Fall Fest at Musser Scout Reservation
November 9th and 16th 2024: Scouting for Food Dropoff and Pickup
December 13th 2024: Winter Carnival hosted by the Bears!
January 12th 2025: Winter Hike at Valley Forge
February 2025: Scout Sunday at St. James Episcopal Church
February 23rd 2025: Blue and Gold Ceremony
March 8th 2025: Pinewood Derby
April 12th 2025: Perkiomen Watershed Clean-Up
May 2nd - 4th 2025: Spring Campout at Evansburg
June 2025: Annual Pack Summer Picnic
August 2025: Collegeville Car Show
Adventures & Community Fun!
Revised 01/09/2025