Removing Students

Cardinal Students Adds and Drops are synchronized with Cardinal Learn (Blackboard). This means that students who drop their course during the Add/Drop period in Cardinal Students will be automatically dropped in Blackboard within 24 hours.

Students who withdraw after the Add/Drop period will remain in the course in Cardinal Learn, as their withdrawal is considered “of record”. You can hide those students in your Roster and Grade Center following the steps below.

1. After you log in to Cardinal Learn, click your desired course.

2. Turn Edit mode “On”.

3. Click “Users and Groups” on the course management menu (bottom left). Click “Users”.

4. You will land on the user’s page. You will see all of the users listed in your course.

5. Highlight the name of the student you would like to hide. Click the dropdown arrow next to that student’s name. Click “Change User’s Availability in Course”.

6. You will land on the ROLE AND AVAILABILITY.

7. Click the dropdown and choose “No”.Then click submit.

NOTE: this will make the student unavailable for this course only.

8. You will now notice that your student is listed as unavailable in your course.