Apply to the Student Editorial Board

 Apply to the Student Editorial Board!

Now accepting applications for 2024-2025.

Deadline: October 15, 2024 by 12 P.M.

Inventio is entirely student written and student produced. The Student Editorial Board is responsible for the production and promotion of the journal each year. 

Students who are interested in applying for the SEB should complete the application form. The available positions along with the guidelines for the application process are listed below. 

Available Positions 

We invite you to apply for the following positions on the SEB for 2024-25:

Assistant Editor

Managing Editor

Assistant Managing Editor

Head Layout Editor

Assistant Layout Editor

Web Content Editor

Assistant Web Content Editor

Head Copyeditor 

Copyeditors (more than one position available)

Web Content Writers (more than one position available)

Application Checklist

You will need the following documents compiled into a single file (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf) in order to fill out the application form. Additionally, you will need to ask a faculty member or instructor who knows you and your work well to fill out the recommendation form.

If you are interested in more than one position, please indicate this interest on your application - the program is competitive, and we receive multiple applications for leadership positions. 

Please submit the following documents to apply for the SEB:

About the application documents:

1. Cover Letter

In your cover letter, directed to the Faculty Editors, please address the following:

There is no page minimum or maximum for the cover letter. 

2. Resume

There is no expected format or page limit for the resume. If you are applying for the positions of Head Layout Editor and/or Photographer, you may also submit a portfolio, though it is not necessary.

3. Unofficial Transcript

Please include a copy of your transcript as you can access it in Cardinal Station.

Please send the link to the recommendation form to an instructor/faculty member who knows you well and can speak to the strengths that make you a strong candidate for the SEB. Let your evaluator know which position(s) you are applying for and be sure to give your evaluator ample time to complete the recommendation form. 

5. Writing Sample

Please submit a sample of your academic writing. The sample should be between 5-10 pages long and may be an excerpt of a longer piece (you may include a brief note that adds context if necessary). Writing that incorporates research is ideal, but not at all necessary. Please feel free to revise/edit your work – we would like to see an example of what you believe to be your best writing.

Contact Information

Please send questions/concerns to the Student Editorial Board or the Faculty Editors via Dr. Taryn Okuma (

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