Life in the Digital Age is woven around Data and Software Programs. Computer Science and its related technologies have a great impact on people's lives. Today’s world is more comfortable and connected, thanks to the contributions of the great innovators in the field of Computer Science.

According to a recent survey by the US Bureau of Labour Statistics, the Computer Science field will see a job surge by 36%. To obtain a lucrative career in Computer Science, skills like critical thinking and problem solving are a must. 

A graduation in Computer Science equips the students with a variety of skills including critical thinking and problem solving. A Computer Science graduate can land a wide variety of jobs including:

The Department of Computer Science, with three decades of expertise, has been continuously striving to provide holistic development to the students, by imparting the right skills and knowledge. To facilitate experiential learning, the department organizes various Workshops, Field trips, Industrial Visits to IT companies,  and Internships to mention a few.

The Department is also involved in providing IT support to the College. Our students are involved in various in-house internships and projects, to obtain first-hand experience in using technology in the field of education.

About Us

The Department of Computer Science, established in the year 1988, aims to provide a holistic technical education to its students and contribute to the development of the community at large. The Department has well-qualified and experienced faculty combined with a state-of-art lab infrastructure, to deliver the latest skills in the field of Computer Science. The newly revamped curriculum lays a great emphasis on Data Science skills required for the post-pandemic world. The faculty offer an excellent learning experience by the use of modern technology aids like simulations and pedagogical practices like Blended and Flipped Learning models. The Faculty engage in active research in the field of Machine Learning and Data Science, which in turn is carried forward to students through various in-house workshops and competitions.


Graduate Attributes:
