Travel & Tourism

According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), "Over the decades, tourism has experienced continued growth and deepening ‎diversification to become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world." ‎ People have curiosity to travel and discover the wide diversity our world has to offer. In recent years, different forms of travel have become easily accessible to travelers: from new roads and highways, through rail and always expanding air travel. International tourism is increasing every year and with it, job growth and career opportunities. From Ecotourism, through Sustainable Tourism, Voluntourism and more, in our program we cover it all. To learn more visit UNWTO website:

Our students learning about travel and tourism through hands-on experiences and field trips:

For more information about student learning through projects, research and presentations click here:

NYC TRIP!!!! Seniors exploring attractions in New York City and learning about hotel management at New York Marriott Marquis