Students use research skills to find out more about the topic. This includes defining and explaining the technical terms (vocabulary) related to the topic and clarifying presumptions about the topic. This stage of the design process is all about developing professional knowledge, understanding and insights about the topic from multiple perspectives.

The Empathise stage involved our students' developing their Integrative Thinking skills.

Integrative Thinking is the ability to seek out and exploit opposing constraints to better understand an issue or problem with the means of creating an innovative solution (Tim Brown, 2009).

Think, Puzzle, Explore Thinking Routine- Christ The King Primary School

Think, Puzzle, Explore Thinking Routine

Think : What do you think about the provocation and what three ideas you can identify? This can be something you saw but make sure you explain your thinking in detail.

Puzzle - What questions or wonderings do you have? What puzzles you? Use the Q-Matrix Chart to create 3 thought provoking questions.

Explore - What do you want to explore over this unit or find out about? Explain.