What affects our happiness?

Our happiness is affected by our genes, life circumstances, and thoughts and behaviors. The good news is, the human brain is amazingly adaptable! We can learn and practice new skills to improve our well-being and overall happiness.

September is Suicide Prevention Month:

Student Prevention Resources

Imi has free guides built for and with LGBTQ+ teens to help you explore your identity and support your mental health.

The SPTS has many helpful resources on suicide prevention and mental health resources for teens.

Learn the 5 Steps of Awareness & Action to help save lives.

Worried about a friend & not sure where to start? Learn about the Signs & Helpful Conversation Starters from Seize the Awkward.

Additional Resources for Suicide Prevention Month:


Insight Timer

70,000 FREE Guided Meditations & More!

Smiling Mind

FREE daily meditation & mindfulness exercises

The Tapping Solution

Tapping Meditations to Release Stress & Find Balance


Link to 3 Free Meditations


Free Resources


Mindfulness helps us to become more aware of our thoughts, feelings, and reactions without judgment.

Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress.

Sleep improves mood, attention, memory, empowers the immune system, and helps us regroup and relax.

Simply devoting 10 or 15 minutes each day to meditation and deep breathing can help you to overcome stress, and find some inner peace.

One of the best way to avoid stress is to plan.

Start with figuring out how you currently spend your time. Then make a to-do list, prioritize important tasks, and plan your week.

Exercise reduces stress, improves mood, self-confidence, and our brain power.

We may even meet new people while exercising, which improves our social well-being!

Need help creating a study plan that you will commit to?

Set-up a "Priority Matrix" to help you see what tasks you should start first.


Music can improve cognition, reduce stress, improve memory and mood amongst other benefits!

Research on depression and anxiety shows that exercise and other physical activity can hep improve mood, reduce anxiety, and improve other health problems.

An activity grounded in positive psychology research that has positive effects on life satisfaction and lowering levels of depression.

Research has shown that gratitude can make us happier. Being appreciative is associated with positive emotions such as contentment, happiness, love, and hope.

2022 State of Mental Health in America.pdf

The State of Mental Health in America

A data report that looks at the state of mental health across all 50 states. Rankings explore which states are more effective at addressing issues related to mental health and substance use.


Anxiety 101

Learn more about anxiety and strategies for coping with stress including facing fears, thinking right, and healthy habits.

What is neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity is the process of rewiring the brain by forming new connections and weakening old connections.

When we change a bad habit or think about something differently, we are creating new pathways and experiencing neuroplasticity!