Senior Checklist


1. An application checklist must be handed to your counselor for each school you are applying to. They can be found under the Forms tab on this blog or as a link on your Naviance home page.

2. If you are sending to your schools, SAT and ACT scores must be sent directly from the testing organization to the college or university you are applying to.

3. Finalize your college list and write down all due dates for each college you are applying to:

                        Early Decision, Early Action, REA/SCEA or Regular application due date

                        FAFSA due date

                        CSS profile due date

                        Honors College or other scholarship due dates

4. Look at the list of colleges visiting CHS on your Naviance account. Talk to the representatives at lunch time. Even if it's not a college you are applying to, you may learn something!

5. Make sure your Naviance account is ready.

                         Put your college list under Colleges I'm Applying To

                         Request your teacher letters of recommendation

6. Start your Common Application, Coalition Application, or Application via the school's website.

7. Match your Common Application and Naviance accounts, making sure the FERPA waiver is already completed within Common App.

8. Submit your application to the college or university.

9. Submit an application checklist to your counselor. 

10. Follow up by checking your college's application portal and ensure that all application materials have arrived.