Q&A: Common App

Q: What is our class size?

A: There are 77 students in the class of 2023.

Q: How do we report GPA?

A: GPA is reported on an unweighted 100 scale.

Q: What graduation date do I report?

A: 06/19/2023.

Q: Where do I report information about National Honor Society?

A: Since National Honor Society selection is done at the school level, you should designate it as a school honor.

Q: How do I match my Common Application with Naviance?

A: Watch a video explaining the process to match your Common Application to your Naviance account. You must sign the FERPA waiver prior to matching your accounts (see next question.)

Q: How do I sign the FERPA waiver?

A: All applicants complete the FERPA waiver from within their Common App accounts by clicking the Assign Recommenders tab for any college within My Colleges tab. The FERPA waiver is only completed once and covers all current and future colleges and recommenders. 

For students at Naviance schools: the FERPA section locks as soon as the applicants match their Common App and Naviance accounts.

Q: What is my guidance counselor's phone number and title?

A: 732-681-1010, School Counselor.

Q: I would like my coach, pastor, boss, etc. to submit a letter of reference to my colleges. Is this possible?

A: Select a school from your list in the Common Application. If you see "other recommenders" on the school's page, you can invite the external recommender to upload a letter of reference. Please note that if you invite the same recommender to more than one school, each school will get the same letter from that recommender. The recommendation should not be tailored to a specific college or university.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid when filling out the Common Application?

A: Here is a good article on avoiding mistakes on the Common App

Q: When can I start on the Essay Prompts?

A: Start as soon as they are released. Essay prompts are typically released in early winter. Keep an eye out on Common App's website! Keep in mind, it is typical for both Common App and Coalition to accept essays on the topic of your choosing. 

Q: ACT or SAT?

A: Take a loo at the differences in each test, do some sample questions and/or a practice test and see which test is the better fit.

SAT Student Guide

ACT Practice Info