Project Description

Bionic Beetle Brawl is a 3rd Person 3D fighting gacha game in which players can collect, customize and conquer their foes in battle with robotic beetle toys.

Poster and Images Gallery

Project Presentation

Project Process

Designers' Statements & Bio

Dominic Kausin

Dominic will be graduating from CSU Monterey Bay in Spring 2022 with a B.S. in Communication Design with a concentration in Game Design and a minor in Japanese Language and Culture. He aspires to work in the game industry as a 3D modeling and concept artist.

Marisia Alcaraz

Marisia will be graduating from CSU Monterey Bay in Spring 2022 with a B.S. in Communication Design with a concentration in Game Design. She aspires to be a Product Designer in the UI/UX field, and eventually move into UI/UX in gaming.

Michael Gonzalez

Michael will be graduating this spring with a B.S. in Communication Design, concentrating in Game Design. He aspires to work in the Games Industry either as a game tester or as a UI/UX designer in the game industry. His dream goal is to start his own independent video game company.