
Do you want to go to graduate school?

Did you know that studies indicate that a graduate degree will increase the long-term earnings of those who pursue them? Graduate degrees also open up additional career opportunities.

At the Graduate School Fair Fair, you can speak with recruiters from a variety of graduate and professional school programs and learn what their institution has to offer you. Programs in health, law, science, business, engineering, arts, humanities, and more will be represented.

Wondering how to make the best use of your time when you only have a few minutes with several different recruiters? Click the button below and find out what to ask about admissions, curriculum, financial aid, career development, housing, transportation, and contacts of current students and professors.

Use the pull-down menu under the Students tab to investigate the programs represented in various fields of study like Business and Management or Education and Educational Counseling.  You may also access the Fields of Study pages via the button below.  Zoom links for each program are included with their descriptions under the Fields of Study.

Questions?   Please contact

Not sure where to start?   Please join the CSUEB Office of Graduate Studies Zoom session  on the day of of the fair: