School Resources

COVID-19 Notice

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been changes to the resources available on campus. Many services, however, have transitioned into providing resources in a virtual format. Below are links that provide guidance and resources to students throughout this time.


Supplemental Instruction (SI) Schedule

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic assistance program that provides weekly, peer-led group study sessions for students taking bottleneck, key gateway, or historically difficult courses– those with low pass and/or high withdrawal rates. SI is attached to a subject or course to provide students with a systematic and disciplined approach for processing the subject material assigned by the professor.

SI sessions are led by a SI leader who is an exceptional student and has already mastered the course material; the SI leader has been trained to facilitate group sessions wherein students can meet to improve their understanding of course material, review and discuss important concepts, develop study strategies and prepare for exams. The goal of SI is to create independent learners, and the SI leader is the link between the actual class and SI session. SI leaders provide two or three SI study sessions a week during which course readings, content, and material are brought together with effective learning strategies in a collaborative learning environment.

CSUF SI Schedue Links


WiCSE Tutor: Arely De Leon


  • Mon & Wed: 2pm - 5pm

  • Tu & Th: 8:30am - 12:30pm


  • MATH: 125, 150A, 150B, 270B

  • CPSC: 121, 131, 223P, 301

There are various tutoring centers across campus that also offer help in multiple courses.

CSUF Tutoring Links

Career Center

The CSUF Career Center helps students prepare for their careers by providing a variety of workshops, resume reviews, and career fairs. The career center also offers a job database website called TitanConnection which ranges from available job openings both inside and outside of school.

CSUF Career Center Links

Academic Advisement

The main academic advisement center for ECS students is the Center for Academic Support in Engineering and Computer Science. This center helps students with graduation requirements and catalog years. It is best to set up an appointment ahead of time to avoid long wait times.

CSUF Academic Advisement Links