Engineering Design Process

The Process

Model of the Engineering Design Process from Queen's University

This Engineering Design Process (or 5ps) is a model for planning and designing products that respond to social, environmental, economic, and safety considerations.

The 5ps in the process are:

  • Problem

  • Plan

  • Prototype

  • Product

  • Present

Scott Compeau

The process was developed by Scott Compeau, P.Eng and all of the resources on this page were provided to us by him.

Scott is also the manager of the Queen's University Connections Engineering Outreach Program. To learn more about this program, visit their website.

Scott Compeau profile picture

Sample Projects from Queens Connections

Wearable Technology

Teaching Guide

Wearable Technology Design Challenge Lesson Plan (2018).pdf

Student Planning Document


Rock Shed

Rock Shed Teaching Guide 1

Connections - Grade 9&10 - Rock Shed.docx

Student Planning Document

RockShed Challenge Handout.docx

Rock Shed Teaching Guide 2

Connections - Grade 8 - SystemsInAction - Microbit Landslide Detection System.docx

Rock Shed Challenge Presentation

Landslides & Rock Sheds Presentation Grade 7.pptx