Why Pre-service CS?
June 29th Zoom Session
Introductions & Expectations
Types of Pre-Service CS Programs
CSTA Standards for CS Teachers + Schools of Ed
CS Visions Activity & Models of Change
Next Steps
Learning Objectives:
Understand types of CS pre-service programs
Identify potential models for local contexts
Understand models of change
Explore activities to generate enthusiasm & understanding of the need for K12 CS teachers among higher ed colleagues
Identify key stakeholders in local contexts
Checklist of Activities:
Review draft CSTA School of Education materials:
Share and Discuss one (or more!) of the following using FlipGrid
Program Model: What type of program are you creating at your institution? How does it align with or how was it influenced by local context and needs? What challenges are you anticipating in the approval process? (Note: feel free to make a copy of the case study template from CSTA to document your program)
Guiding Team: What does your guiding team look like? Who is on it, what skills do they bring, and what motivates them about CS? What gaps do you need to fill?
Communicating for Buy-In: How are you aligning the CS preservice work to department, college, and institutional goals? What are you doing (or planning) to bring other stakeholders on board?
Getting Started with FlipGrid
Grid password - teachCS20
Using FlipGrid - Note that you'll need a Microsoft or Google account to login and post a response. Anyone can view the responses, though.