Syllable Awareness
Syllable Blending
Syllable blending is when children listen to parts of the word and blend them together to say the complete word.
For example, you say syllables (word parts) to your child and your child will blend together the parts to create a word, such as um-brel-la. You will say the parts um-brel-la aloud and your child will say that these syllables create the word umbrella.
Syllable Segmentation
Syllable Segmentation is the ability to identify how many syllables (or parts) there are in a word (ta-ble). Syllable Segmentation is important for the development of a child's sound awareness in words. A child that can recognize the syllables of a word will be better able to read and spell.
Syllable Deletion
Syllable Deletion is the deletion of a syllable from a word containing two or more syllables. You say a word such as rainbow aloud to your child. You ask them, "What is the word if you take away bow?". He/she would understand that if you remove the syllable bow then you are left with the syllable rain.
Listen to Read Alouds with your child:
For more information on syllables click here: