Rhyme Awareness
Rhyme recognition involves providing example of word pairs that rhyme and ones that do not rhyme. Have your child tell you if the pairs of words rhyme or not.
For example, say the words pig/ wig. Ask your child if they rhyme and he/she should respond with yes.
Next, say the words bug/ cat. Ask your child if they rhyme and he/she should respond with no.
Rhyme Recognition
Rhyme Recognition
Rhyme Production
Rhyme Production
Rhyme production refers to the ability for children to think up words that rhyme with a given word and is also an important phonological awareness task. For example, children would be asked to hear the rhyme in the words below (child and parent would say "hand", "band" and ….)
Listen to Read Alouds with your child:
Listen to Read Alouds with your child:
For more information on Rhyming click here: https://sites.google.com/csraresa.net/rhyming/home