Fortune Teller
Fortune Teller Project
Fortune Teller Project
Your Goal:
Your Goal:
Build a simple fortune teller that will:
Build a simple fortune teller that will:
- Take user input
- Using the user input, generate a fortune using conditionals
- The fortune can be random or dependent on the user input
- There must be at least 5 different fortune possibilities
- Output the fortune
- See below for different methods of fortune telling.
Examples of Different Types of Fortune Telling
Examples of Different Types of Fortune Telling
Magic 8 Ball
Magic 8 Ball
Ask the Magic 8 Ball a question.
Give it a shake.
See its answer.
"Will I do well in this project?"
"It is certain"
What is your zodiac sign?
What does your horoscope say for your zodiac sign today?
Paper Fortune Teller
Paper Fortune Teller
The player asks a question of the person holding the fortune teller.
The holder then asks for a number or color. The holder switches these positions a number of times: which may be determined by the number of letters in the color selected, the number originally chosen, or the sum of both.
Once the holder has finished switching the positions of the fortune teller, the player chooses one of the flaps revealed.
The holder then lifts the flap and reveals the fortune underneath.