National Holidays


International Holocaust Remembrance Day

A day to pay tribute to the victims of the Holocaust; an estimated 6 million Jews, 1 million Gypsies, 250,000 mentally and physically disabled people, and 9000 LGBTQ individuals lost their lives to the Nazi's genocide.


Aromantic Awareness Week

Dates vary every year, as this occurs the week following Valentine's day. An aromantic individual does not experience romantic attraction. Aromantic is not to be confused with someone who is asexual (someone who does not experience sexual attraction). This week brings awareness to those on the aromantic spectrum.


International Transgender Day of Visibility

A day we dedicate to celebrating individuals who identify as transgender. This day also focuses on raising awareness for the discrimination trans communities face worldwide.


Day of Silence

Date in April varies from year to year. 2019's Day of Silence will be April 12th. This day is hosted by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). Students take a vow of silence in effort to raise awareness of the effects that bullying and harassment has on LGBTQIA+ individuals.

Lesbian Visibility Day

An internationally celebrated day of lesbian role models, culture, life and diversity across the globe.


International Day Against Homophobia

A day that aims to raise awareness of violence, discrimination and harassment against LGBTQIA+ individuals, as well as violations of the rights of LGBTQIA+ communities all around the globe.

Agender Pride Day

A day that celebrates all agender identities! Agender means a person does idenitfy with any gender/is genderfree.

Harvey Milk Day

A day hosted by the Harvey Milk Foundation to honor gay rights activist and politician, Harvey Milk. Milk was the first openly gay elected official in California.

Pansexual and Panromantic Visibility Day

A day that celebrates those in the community who identify as Pansexual and brings awareness/education to others regarding that identity.


Pride Month

A month of pride and celebration of LGBTQIA+ people, celebrating their diverse sexual identities and gender variance. We celebrate as Pride Month to commemorate the Stonewall Riots; it also marks the month that same-sex marriage was legalized in U.S.

Stonewall Riots Anniversary

On June 28, 1969, LGBTQIA+ community members demonstrated against a violent police raid at the Stonewall Inn. This event is known to be the initiation of the Gay Liberation Movement in U.S. Annually on June 28th, we pay tribute to those events.


Celebrate Bisexuality Day

A day of celebration for bisexual and bi+ individuals (fluid, no label, queer, etc.); this date calls for recognization of bisexual history, community and culture.

Bisexual+ Awareness Week

This is a week of celebration held annually in September on the week containing the 23rd. This week fosters acceptance of the bisexual community and their rights.


LGBTQIA+ History Month

A month that encourages collaborative and open education about LGBTQIA+ rights and history.

National Coming Out Day

The process of coming out is an individual's self-disclosure of their identity. This day stands for celebrating and embracing all LGBTQIA+ journeys and experiences.

Spirit Day

On this day, people wear the color purple to show solidarity and support of LGBTQIA+ people who have been victims of bullying and harassment. The color purple in the rainbow flag symbolizes 'spirit'.

International Pronoun Day

A day that promotes awareness and respect of an individual's personal pronouns, with the goal of asking and sharing pronouns to be mainstream and conventional in society.

Intersex Awareness Day

This day calls attention to the human rights issues that intersex individuals face. This date also marks the first public demonstration by the intersex community in the U.S.


Intersex Solidarity Day

Also known to be called Intersex Day of Remembrance, this day is commemorated internationally. It marks the birthday of Herculine Barbin, a well-known French intersex person.

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Honors the memories of those who have been killed due to transphobia (the hatred/fear of transgender or gender non-conforming people). This date promotes education and awareness of continued violence against the transgender community.


World AIDS Day

A date that promotes education of HIV and AIDS, including prevention and control. We also pay tribute to those who have died from AIDS, and encourage support for those who are currently living with AIDS.

Pansexual Pride Day

A day dedicated to celebrating pansexuality and all those who identify on the pansexual spectrum.