Online News & Magazines

Magazine titles are linked to news website. If subscription is available, link to subscribe is under the magazine description. Some subscriptions are free; some are not.

(Year founded: 1967)
This magazine is the oldest and largest LGBT publication in the United States and the only surviving one of its kind that was founded before the 1969 Stonewall Riots.

(Year Founded: 2006)
Coverage of sports events and stories about athletes within the gay community
No Subscriptions but stay connected via social media

(Year founded: 2000)
National network covering LGBT news and entertainment
Enter your email at bottom of home page for email updates. No Subscription necessary.

(Year Founded: 1997)
Print and online magazine; a voice for unseen, unheard, and undiscovered artists within the LGBT community in South Africa

(Year Founded: 1994)
A bimonthly, nationally distributed magazine of history, culture, and politics for LGBT people and their allies.

(Year Founded: 2010)
News and commentary for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer community.

(Year Founded: 1973)
This is a social justice advocacy non-profit organizing the grassroots power of the LGBTQ community, with a category for news updates on their website..
No Subscription or Emailing list currently active. Information on website is free.

(Year Founded: 1976)
Out Front is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender magazine and daily online publication in the Denver metropolitan area. Out Front is now the second oldest independent LGBT publication in the United States.
Subscription option on home page.

(Year Founded: 2005)
PinkNews is a UK-based online newspaper marketed to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. Covers LGBTQ news all over the world.

(Year Founded: Unknown)
Southern California's largest and longest-serving monthly LGBTQ editorial

(Year Founded: 1992)
OUT is an American LGBTQ fashion, news, entertainment, and lifestyle magazine. OUT is also an outlet for the most prominent voices of the LGBT community, many of whom express opinions on culture, politics, gay news, and more.

(Year Founded: 1990)
LBGTQ events and resources, entertainment, health & HIV, gay culture, new music, film reviews, gay celebrities, and more for the gay & lesbian community.

(Year Founded: 1995)
A biweekly print and online magazine for the LGBTQ+ community and allies.

(Year Founded: Unknown)
America's #1 gay and lesbian travel magazine. Readers love the magazine's personal travel reporting and they truly appreciate the most comprehensive resource listings.

(Year Founded: 2000)
Curve is a lesbian magazine published in the United States. It covers news, politics, social issues, and includes celebrity interviews and stories on entertainment, pop culture, style, travel, and a website that hosts an internet forum focusing on lesbian issues

(Year Founded: 2009)
A quarterly magazine focused on "the culture and lifestyle of transgender men." The magazine was started in September 2009 in the Bay Area of San Francisco, California
No subscriptions available but can purchase the book or individual magazine issues on the main website.

(Year Founded: 1994)
The UK's best-selling & award-winning LGBTQ magazine, reporting on news, fashion, and entertainment worldwide.

(Year Founded: 1998)
A magazine that support and empowers LGBTQ parents and LGBTQs wishing to become first time parents. Parents speak candidly about their experiences with adoption, foster care, egg and sperm donors, surrogacy, parenting with an ex, coming out after being in a straight marriage, co-parenting, divorce and custody issues, and discrimination.

(Year Founded: 2011)
A monthly queer magazine dedicated to The FIGHT for LGBT equality & social justice. It's about community where real people grace our covers.
Issues are free on the website. No subscription needed.

(Year Founded: 2003)
A gay and lesbian travel magazine, combining photography with coverage of LGBTQ travel topics.
Subscription for this online magazine is the same as OUT magazine.