Frequently Asked Questions

What if my son/daughter must be absent?

We ask that parents excuse absences within 24 hours. It is best if you can call the attendance office at 788-1506 on or before the day of the absence. If that's impossible, you will need to notify the school on the morning your student returns. All absences not verified by the end of the school day following the absence will remain unexcused.

The school will excuse absences for the following:

  • Illness of a student or an immediate family member.

  • Death of a relative or close friend, including the necessary travel time to and from the place of the funeral.

  • Medical or dental appointments.

  • Subpoena, legal detention, driver's license.

Unexcused absences include:

  • Truancy/Ditching, in which a student misses one or more classes without the parents' or administrators' prior knowledge and/or permission.

  • Whenever a student leaves the school without checking out through the office, even if the parent calls at a later time.

  • Whenever a parent fails to notify the school within 24 hours of an absence.

  • Out-of-School Suspension

The district allows students eight (8) absences each semester. All absences—excused or unexcused (excluding suspension)—count toward the eight-day limit. After eight absences, course credit will be lost unless the student has documented medical, bereavement, or emergency reasons for missing additional days over eight.

What is the school's tardy policy?

We consider a student tardy when he/she is not in class by the time the tardy bell has rung. After three (3) tardies in one class, the student will be referred to the office for discipline. Arriving more than five minutes late counts as an absence. The consequences are:

  • Three (3) tardies in the same class—1 day After-School Detention, parent notification

  • Four (4) tardies in the same class—1 day In-School Suspension, parent notification

  • Five (5) tardies in the same class—2 days ISS, parent notification

  • Six (6) or more tardies in the same class—3 days ISS, Class IV Violation, parent notification

  • After-School Detention: 2:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. / In-School Suspension: 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.

Students must have a pass from a school staff member for a tardy to be considered excused.

What is the policy for Student Identification cards?

Students must carry their school-issued ID card during the school day to present to any staff member when requested to do so, attend school activities, and obtain a yearbook or for any other identification purposes. On registration, we will issue students an ID card free of charge. Replacement cards will cost $3.00; lanyards/clips will cost $2.00. Students must have their ID cards to ride the bus. To avoid suspension, students must carry their ID cards during school hours.

What is the policy concerning automobiles?

If a student wants to park his or her vehicle on school grounds, we require they register it at the school office. Proof of driver's license, insurance, and registration will be required. Students should use automobiles only for transportation to and from school and cars should be parked as soon as the student arrives at school in the morning and should not be used until school is dismissed at the end of the school day. No sitting in parked cars or hanging out in the parking areas. Any automobile violations may result in the loss of parking privileges.

Does the school allow visitors on campus?

While parents and legal guardians are always encouraged to visit, we cannot give students passes for their peers or other family members to attend classes with them. The administration must approve and issue visitor passes.

Does the school allow guests at school-sponsored activities?

Guests are welcome at school-sponsored activities as long you request the guest pass from the administration and submit it 24 hours in advance of the activity. We will not grant guest passes for individuals over the age of 22, under the age of 14, or junior high school students. We will not admit guests without a guest pass and proper photo identification.

Does Mohave High School have a dress code?

In order to limit distraction and facilitate a business-like atmosphere, we have adopted a modified uniform of approved school shirts. The board-approved shirts are polo or tee shirts, long or short-sleeved, which can be worn with a crew neck, hooded, or zippered sweatshirt in cold weather. The approved colors are green, black, gray, or white, and they must bear the Mohave High School logo. On special/activity days, students will be able to dress for their clubs, organizations, or interscholastic activities such as spirit week or game days with the approval of the principal.

We do not permit the following:

  • Altered school polo or tee shirts.

  • Shorter than six-inch inseams.

  • Pants more than two inches from waist (no excessively baggy clothing or sags).

  • Skirts or dresses with less than a six-inch "inseam" (no more than six inches above top of kneecap).

  • Bandannas ("rags") or any other item, accessory, or hairstyle representative of gang identification. (We will turn over any gang related items to the school resource officer).
    Visible undergarments.

  • Clothes bearing phrases or slogans that are sexually suggestive, promote or suggest the use of drugs or alcohol, or contain vulgar language or ethnic slurs, or any logos or words other than those approved by governing board policy.

  • Students may not wear sunglasses, head coverings, or visors in the buildings.

  • Overalls

What are the eligibility requirements for my son/daughter to participate in A.I.A. sponsored activities?

AIA Eligibility rules:

  • 15.1.1 All participants in interscholastic activities must be in compliance with all student eligibility rules. The student eligibility rules are enumerated and presented in detail in Article 15 of the AIA Bylaws.

  • 15.3.1 Only students enrolled at a member school in grades 9 through 12, inclusive, shall be eligible for interscholastic competition team practices and tryouts.

  • Academic Rule 15.4.1 A student must be enrolled in a minimum of five courses the first six semesters of high school and a minimum as determined by the district during the seventh and eighth semesters. The configuration and method of course delivery shall be as determined by the member school

  • 15.5 Domicile Rule

    • 15.5.1 Domicile Requirements - Except as otherwise stated in Article 15, a student, whether an adult or not, is privileged with eligibility for interscholastic competition only at the school in the district in which his/her parents are domiciled. In multi-school districts, the student is eligible only at the school in the attendance zone in which his/her parents are domiciled.

    • Exception: A school district governing board may declare all or certain high schools within its district as open schools. A student enrolling for the first time in any open school in the district shall have met the domicile requirements to be able to participate in interscholastic competition.

  • Domicile - Except as otherwise stated in Article 15, a domicile is a place where a person has his/her true, fixed and permanent home, and to which, whenever absent, he or she has the intention of returning. A student shall have only one domicile for the purposes of these eligibility rules.

  • Change of Domicile – This is dependent upon the facts in each case, but, as a minimum, to be considered a change of domicile under these rules, the following facts must exist:

    • The original domicile must be or is in the process of being abandoned; that is sold, rented, or otherwise disposed of, and must not be used as a residence by either parent or any child in the 12th grade or younger, and

    • Take with them the household goods and furnishings appropriate to the circumstances.

    • Regardless of any other bylaw, it shall not be considered a change of domicile unless there has also been a corresponding change of attendance zone.

How do I register my student?

Registration is open during the two weeks before school begins in the fall. We will have more information on exact dates for each grade level at a later time. All students must complete the online registration, provide proof of residence, and have updated immunizations. New enrollees must either be sixteen years of age, have a certificate of completion of the 8th grade, or a transcript from another accredited high school, as well as documentation for the appropriate immunizations, and a birth certificate or other proof of identity. Parents and students can find more information on registration on our district site.

What are the immunization requirements?

Arizona State Law requires that students be immunized against tetanus, rubella, poliomyelitis, and diphtheria, pertussis, measles, and mumps. Incoming 9th graders must also have hepatitis B (3 doses) and MMR (2 doses). Our district site also has more information on immunization requirements.

What are the guidelines for student schedule changes?

We handle all valid requests for a schedule change in August during walk-through registration. The time line for schedule changes is as follows:

0 - 1 Weeks: Student initiated

0 - 2 Weeks: Student/Parent/Teacher initiated

2 - 4 Weeks: Teacher/Administration initiated only

5 + Weeks: Administration initiated only

Parent permission is required on all core class changes.

We will only approve and process schedule changes for these reasons:

  1. Changes necessary to meet graduation requirements.

  2. Changes necessary because of failure of prerequisite course.

  3. Changes required for health reasons (doctor's verification required).

  4. Changes required because of completion of course in summer school or correspondence class.

  5. Changes required because of course conflicts appearing on computer schedule.

  6. Changes required because of previous documentation or student/teacher conflict.

  7. Changes required due to incomplete enrollment information and/or inaccurate scheduling.

What are the graduation requirements for Mohave High School students?

(22) Units of approved credit are required for graduation.

(21) Must be academic.

All students must have met or exceeded the State mandated standards in all three (3) sections of AIMS testing.

Class of 2014-2016

English 4 units

American Government & Arizona Government 1/2 unit

American History including Arizona History 1 unit

World History/World Geography 1 unit

Essentials of Free Enterprise 1/2 unit

Mathematics 4 units

Science 3 units

Fine Arts or Career Technical Education (CTE) 1 unit

Physical Education 1 unit

Electives 6 units

Total 22 units

What are Arizona Universities' entrance requirements and recommendations?

Admission requirements to colleges and universities vary greatly. Students should consult the catalog of the college or university they are interested in attending to determine the exact requirements. You may obtain catalogs from the college. Applicants to Arizona universities must meet the following requirements:

  1. Unconditional admission to Arizona universities – 3.0 GPA or rank in the top 25% of your class, or an ACT score of 22, or an SAT score of 1040.

  2. Conditional admission – 2.5 – 2.99 GPA or rank in the upper half of your class.

  3. A minimum of "C" grade in classes required for entrance (Classes of '00, '01, '02):

English 4

Math (i.e. Algebra 1-2, Integrated Math 3-4, 5-6, Calculus, Geometry) 4

Lab Sciences (Science processes, Biology, Chemistry Physics) 3

Social Sciences (One year of U.S. History and one year of another social science) 2

Foreign Language (two years of same language) 2

Fine Arts

Students who are deficient in any one or two of the core curriculum may be admitted; however, the deficiencies must be removed within one year. (Note: The ACT or SAT examination is required for admission to all state universities in Arizona. It is highly recommended that this exam be taken during the spring of the junior year.)

When does the school issue progress reports and what is the grading scale?

It is our policy to inform parents of their student's progress with a six-week report to parents. Parents are encouraged to request conferences with the counselor and/or teachers as soon as they see any indication of possible failure rather than wait for the notice to arrive. The guidance office can coordinate progress reports on a more frequent basis.

The grading scale is:

A 90-100% Superior work

B 80-89% Above average

C 70-79% Average

D 60-69% Below average

F 0 -59% Failing to meet minimum competencies

I Incomplete Work not completed

Cr Credit A passing grade but not a letter grade

NC No Credit Due to absences

NG No Grade Class was audited only.

NOTE: Students who withdraw (W/D) from a class will use their withdrawal (W/D) grade for eligibility purposes. Students who W/D early must be passing to be eligible to enroll in another class.

What are the bell schedules?

Bell Schedules for 2021-2022

What are the bus schedules?

What are the Student Fees?

What are non-academic classes?

Non-academic classes include teacher's assistant, library assistant, laboratory assistant, and office assistant. Only juniors and seniors with a 2.5 grade average may apply. No student is to be a T.A. for more than 1 period without administrative approval. Students may drop/add their TA position only during the first ten days of each semester.