Our School

Our comprehensive, four-year public high school is part of the Colorado River Union High School District, and some of the advantages of attending Mohave High School are:

Our primary goal is to encourage and inspire everyone to do his or her best. Our Mohave Renaissance Program encourages, recognizes, and rewards excellent performance by students and staff. We are very proud of our student body, and this program will translate that pride into meaningful, tangible rewards for those that improve and excel.

MHS Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a safe and supportive environment at Mohave High School that affords a quality, comprehensive education, preparing all to reach their potential as knowledgeable, responsible, ethical, and productive members of a constantly changing world.

Parents Right to Know

As a Title I school, we are required to provide information regarding the professional qualifications of our classroom teachers. Please take a moment to learn more about your right to information about our teachers' qualifications.

Tax Credit Information

Did you know that you can commit your tax dollars to our school? All you have to do is choose an approved activity you would like your money to help fund. For full details, please visit the link below.

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