
Lesley Fleer is in her twenty-first year teaching at Kennedy High School, where she conducts the Symphonic Band, directs Jazz Band Two, Conducts the musical pit orchestra, and co-directs the Concert Band and Marching Band. She also serves as Artist-Instructor of Oboe at Coe College in Cedar Rapids. Lesley received her Bachelor of Music Education degree from Indiana University in Bloomington, IN, and earned her band instrument repair certification from Red Wing Technical College in Red Wind, MN. Bands under her direction have performed in California, Florida, Texas, Washington D.C., and Dublin, Ireland, and she led the Kennedy flute choir in appearances at the Iowa Bandmasters Association Conference in 2010 and 2014. Lesley is currently in her twenty-eighth year as an instrumental music instructor and previously taught at Vernon Middle School in Marion, IA, and at the Hamilton Southeastern School District in Fishers, IN. In addition to her active schedule as an honor band conductor and music festival adjudicator, she maintains a private oboe studio and is the principal oboist in the Cedar Rapids Municipal Band, a professional ensemble that performs eighteen concerts each year. Lesley resides in Robins, Iowa, with Kelly and their daughter, Marcelle.

Jared Wacker is in his ninth year of teaching at Cedar Rapids Kennedy High School and is in his twenty-first year of teaching. He directs the Wind Symphony, Jazz Band One, and co-directs the Concert Band and the John F. Kennedy Marching Band. He previously taught at Harding Middle School in Cedar Rapids, Waterloo West High School and Anamosa High School.

A native of Cedar Rapids, Jared holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree from Iowa State University and a Master of Music Education degree from the University of Northern Iowa. Jared is a member of the Iowa Bandmasters Association as well as the Northeast Iowa Bandmasters Association. He is an adjudicator for the Iowa High School Music Association and has directed middle school and high school honor bands in Wisconsin and Iowa. As a trumpet player, Jared is a substitute for the Cedar Rapids Municipal Band.

Jared and his wife Angie reside in Robins, Iowa with their 11-year old son, Eli; their 7-year old daughter, Elianna; and their 5-year old son, Benjamin.