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Search for Colleges A database of more than 3,000 colleges and universities to find the best opportunities for you

Common Application: Explore more than 1,000 colleges nationwide and apply to multiple colleges using one application Explore local schools, majors, and how to pay for school

Iowa Private Colleges: Information about Iowa's 25 private colleges

Iowa Regent Admission Index: Admission requirements for Iowa's 3 public colleges - University of Iowa, University of Northern Iowa, Iowa State University

Peterson's College Search Tool: Use search filters to narrow down options based on location, offered majors, tuition, and more

Transfer In Iowa: Iowa's Regent universities and community colleges have joined to create this website dedicated to the seamless transfer of credits from community colleges.



Register for the ACT: Cost is $63 without writing and $88 with writing; fee waivers are available in the counseling office for students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch

Free ACT Test Prep


Register for the SAT: Cost is $60; fee waivers are available in the counseling office for students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch

Free SAT Test Prep

PSAT/National Merit Scholarship Competition

Students wishing to enter the National Merit Scholarship Competition should take the PSAT at Washington in October of their junior year.


Questions to Ask

60 Questions to Ask on your College Tour: Want to know what life’s really like at your dream school? Chat up the real experts on campus—the students.

Campus Visit Questions: Want to find the right fit for college? Visit the colleges that interest you, and ask LOTS of questions while you’re there.

Visit Info Video tours, photorealistic interactive campus maps, mobile walking tours, and custom multimedia applications

College Rep Visits to Washington: A list of admissions counselors and when they will be at Washington


Admissions 101

Deadlines decoded: Information on Early Decision, Early Action, Regular Decision, and Rolling Admission

Requesting a Transcript

Current Students: Request a transcript be sent to a college, training program, or potential employer by completing an official transcript request. Forms are available in the counseling office.

College Applications

Be sure to let your counselor know if you are utilizing the Common App, Coalition App, or any other electronic delivery system.

Email your resume to your counselor if you need a letter of recommendation.

DO NOT bring stamped and addressed envelopes to the counseling office.

Graduates: Former students who have graduated should contact counseling secretary Kim Weiland at or 319-558-2142.

School Report Forms

Please check with your counselor to determine if they submit documents online or as a paper copy mailed directly to each school.

If submitting online, be sure to enter your counselor's information as soon as possible, especially if requesting a recommendation letter in addition to a transcript.

If submitting via mail, see the screenshot below for more information on how to access a paper copy of the School Report form.

The Common Application Optional Report, Mid-Year Report, and Final Report do not need to be submitted until later in the year. Optional Reports are filed if there is a change in the student’s school performance, Mid-Year Reports are filed in January or February, and the Final Report is necessary for only the college a student will attend.