Careers & JOBS

Job Shadows & Internships

The Workplace Learning Connection has many great job shadow and internship opportunities available. They are fun, look great on a resume, and you get high school credit! Application information is available at

Job Shadow Information

Available to students grades 10-12

Students may participate in 1 per year

1-day experience

Students are expected to call and confirm their Job Shadow before the scheduled date. If you are unable to attend, you should notify the contact at your Job Shadow location and send an apology note. After the job shadow students should send a thank you note to the Job Shadow contact.

Students will need to provide their own transportation to the Job Shadow.

Job Shadow Application Steps

Visit or and click Job Shadows.

View the career areas to choose a Job Shadow topic and Apply. Be sure to list your school as George Washington High School, and not another Washington High School.

Once the student application is complete, an email is sent to parents for approval. These emails often go to Junk Mail, so have your parents check. You MUST HAVE PARENT APPROVAL!

Finally, an email will be sent to the school coordinator to approve the student application.

It may take several months before you hear from WLC with your Job Shadow placement.

Internship Information

Available to students in grades 11-12

Internships provide a more in-depth work experience, lasting 90 hours over a semester or 45 hours over summer.

If you are interested in an Internship, you’ll need to first visit with your counselor to be sure it works with your class schedule before applying.

In addition to the application, students will need to have both school and outside references, parent approval, and an interview before being accepted and placed at an internship site.

The application for an internship is on the same site as the job shadow application.

Work Permits

Work permits for students under the age of 16 can be found in the counseling office or at the following link: