College Representative Visits

College Rep Visits

At Crossroads Preparatory Academy, our College Rep Visits play a pivotal role in guiding our students towards their future academic and career paths. During these sessions, dedicated representatives from colleges, universities, and various post-graduate institutions from across the nation. These visits offer our students a unique opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogues, seek answers to their burning questions, and amass crucial insights to aid them in making one of the most significant life decisions they'll encounter.

College Rep Visits serve as a direct avenue for our students to establish genuine, face-to-face connections with these representatives. Through these interactions, they can delve deeper into understanding the campus experience and even lay the groundwork for potential future campus visits and extended discussions.

The majority of these sessions take place within the CPA College & Career Center, located in Room 131 at Crossroads Preparatory Academy. While we welcome representatives throughout the academic year, it's worth noting that the prime period for these visits typically falls between late August and early November. We encourage all our students to take full advantage of this invaluable resource as they embark on their journey towards higher education and career exploration.